Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Inspiration : )

                                                 7 clothes that men like

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T-Shirt and a pair of jeans

You couldn't imagine it right? Casual outfit but cool at the same time; girl next door making men feel comfortable. You can add accessories to spice things up.

Image result for angelina jolie mr and mrs smith white outfit

Men shirt

Reminds us Kim Basinger on 9/12 weeks; is something very sexy that makes to suspicion that you spent your night at your lovers' house. But this year men shirt can be worn as a dress; free those legs girls!
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Gym clothes

Training bras, tight leggings, shorts make men think that you were working out - even if you have no idea where the closest gym in your neighborhood is located. Not only because they really like the woman's tight body but also the idea of their woman coming home sweating from the gym.. well they all have that imagination.

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Dr. Turtleneck

Has nothing to do with sexiness; OK, they cover pretty much everything but they emphasize your face and your breast and of course they keep you warm.

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Not a clothing. But Gigi Hadid and few other supermodels like to have their hair up looking sexy. You look cool, you don't spend hours in front of the mirror and therefore it shows your natural beauty. And of course men's first love most pro had ponytail.

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We usually wear them in case we did not have our hair washed or to make a statement depending our outfit. A nice cap though makes us look younger and more ''reachable''.

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Office look

Either you are working at a bank or a bakery, working clothes are a magnet to men. It shows that you are independent, and smart enough to hire and pay you every month, having all the qualifications that are attractive to a guy. Besides, based on my own experiences, in their fantasies there is always a maid, a waitress or even a doctor.

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They really like when you are wearing their own gift; a piece of clothing, a necklace.
And they love when you are wearing something you feel sexy and comfortable in it.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                       Outfit Of The Day
                                                      Tuesday 30/08/2016


Peach silk dress by Lussile

Block black lace up heels by Sante Shoes

Wavy hairstyle

Love. Flower Girl. x

Relationships : )

                                                      Image result for jennifer aniston and justin theroux 

                                                                                 Couple Perfect

Couples don't afraid of fights

Of course yes; Because is just something that happens that moment and after they will be in love and cuddling all over again. And the myth that truly in love couples do not fight - forget it; They know when to stop, make a compromise and back up.

They know that they should apologise

Yes, because after all love and respect conquers the most in a relationship and not selfishness and stubbornness. No one is a winner and no one is a looser. Every couple that is truly in love  know to admit their mistakes and apologise.

They support each other

The very first person that will think when they are in a difficult situation. They respect each other's personality, their opinions and thoughts and they look for conversations with each other to find solutions. They are not ashamed of each other and don't feel under or above each other. They are supporters, friends, ''co-workers'. They don't judge; they discuss and accept each other's opinions.

They don't compare themselves with other couples

They fill, and they are so happy with each other that don't compare themselves with other couples. They fell blessed that what they always wanted have found it on each other. And they are responsible for their happiness.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Inspiration : )

                                       Image result for sex and the city 

                                            5 Things that you should do on your own

And not to except from your boyfriend/husband/partner to do them for you

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

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We should pick our best friend alone and only. Have in mind that episode on Sex & The City where Samantha wanted to buy that ring badly, and in the end Richard bought it for her and said '' Now I will be looking at Richard every time I will see my ring''.

Solo trips

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Nothing more exciting than travelling alone - you will meet new, interesting people from different cultures on your trip (''Eat, Pray, Love'' is a must movie to watch).

Romantic (solo) night-outs
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Put your favourite outfit, book a table in the most fancy restaurant in town and pick what ever you fancy from the menu. And celebrate it with free drinks from the guy next to you.

Sexy lingerie
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We don't have to force our selves wearing those red lace bras and briefs; yes, those that our boyfriend usually gets for us on the 14th of February (where has the originality gone?). Black/grey c-thru are very sexy and chic.

I love me
Image result for spa manicure

Is good to show to your self how much you love her once in a while; buy your self a designer bag, take few days off to relax from work, go somewhere different, do a brunch up on the mountains...

Love. Flower Girl. x

Monday, August 29, 2016

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                            Summer 2016

                                                      Saturday 27/08/2016


Bikini top by Marks & Spencer
Bikini bottom by Bojo Boutique
Straw hat by Zara
Ray Ban sunnies
Love. Flower Girl. x

Friday, August 26, 2016

Relationships : )

                          Image result for angelina jolie and brad pitt       

 Do you desire a healthy relationship? Then say the 2 magic words

It only takes just 2 words and is not what you are thinking about.

No, is not the ''I love you'', nor ''I want you'', or ''I adore you''.

''Thank you''. Two simple words which makes you feel happy when you hear them. But why couples do not share these 2 words to each other often?

According to William James, an American psychologist, respect is the greatest value in human nature. Is a gift that comes free, but means a lot to many people. If you show the slightest respect through effective communication then this will help to improve your relationship.

Good interpersonal relations are based on respect. And showing such good emotions should be not considered weakness. On the contrary, gratitude and appreciation are the main keys to improve relationships and productiveness at work and in general might contribute on the quality of our life.

In reality though people do not say easily ''thank you''. Is it something that we can't find the time to say it or are we being just stubborn and selfish? Or maybe we take everything for granted and find it unnecessary to say it. But as much as you want to be appreciated so does each person standing next you to confirmed as well.

Unfortunately we don't appreciated and we are only expecting from others! Why should or partner to wash the dishes only because he loves us? This trick ''if you love me, you will....'' is not a proof of a healthy happy relationship. A ''thank you'' is good enough for taking out the trash.

And if you start acting so, then don't stop! Every time you receive something, bring you coffee, cook for you do not forget to always say thank you to that person!

Same psychologist insists that ''wisdom's technique is the knowledge of omission''. So when things do not go as you may planned do not start saying ''I told you so'', ''You are unable of completing a task''.

Some times better to forget what has bothered you, step aside your own needs and keep doing what you were doing having in mind your partner's needs.

Appreciation is never a waste of time and always ''returnable''. Confirming our tries in a relationship gives us always a motive to balance, appreciation and self respect. Recognize what does each for the other do. What does he do good? Remind him that he is a good guy and does things for you. Offer him your gratitude by saying ''thank you'' and you will feel good afterwards. And pretty soon it will returned back to you!!!!

Love. Flower Girl. x

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Relationships : )

Image result for true love wallpaper

                             10 Things that a guy never does if he truly loves you

Does true love really exist or not? Or is it something that we only see in the movies? Is it something fictional written only in the books?
But yes; we should know from our partner's behavior and actions that scream ''I love you''. Therefore if your boyfriend/husband/partner truly loves you:

  1. Will never make you have second thoughts about being with him
''Is he bored?'' ''Should have I reconsidered my decision before going into a relationship and to fall in love with him?'' Some of the questions that keep you awake in the nights; apparently your boyfriends' behavior is making you feel insecure.

     2.  Does not disappear when your relationship is on the rocks

Having a relationship is like you are travelling to a far isolated beach of an island through difficult paths; when someone loves you is a loyal passenger; holds your hand through the bumpy road.

    3. He does not make you feel bad about your appearance

Is he not the guy ''Maybe you should reconsider eating that second slice of pizza because you have gained few pounds? '' or '' What is this? a pimple?''  but the one who wants you no matter your hair looks like, curly, soft, or your skin type, or you how many inches is your waist. (Try to see yourself through the way he see you - best way to overcome your own insecurities).

   4. He is not 24/7 serious

The fact that he is being serious about his relationship with you does not mean that he is not allowed to be cool, sit next to you and joke with your ''best friend''.

  5.  He does not try to impose you

It's humans' nature trying to convince others that we right when it comes to our thoughts and opinion. Not managing that, especially if the other person is our partner does not mean that everything has come to disaster. And this is something that your boyfriend seems to realize.

  6.  He does not put himself above you during sex

Having fun the same (or even more) with him during sex is very important. And he makes sure about that.

  7.  He does not hold grudge over silly things or over something that upset him months ago

And of course he does not mention it when you have a fight.

  8.  He does not make you to be the best version of you

Or the worst. Only the real you.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Inspiration : )

Image result for brad pitt and angelina

                                              The love letter that I can't stop reading

They say behind every successful man, there is a woman…What if you look at it from a woman’s perspective, behind every successful woman—is there a supportive man? Brad Pitt’s tender and touching letter about Angelina Jolie is a must read! 

'' My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She had lost 30 pounds and weighed about 90 pounds in her 35 years. 
She got very skinny and was constantly crying. She was not (a) happy woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep only in the morning; got tired very quickly during the day. 
Our relationship was on the verge of break up. 
Her beauty was leaving her somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and stopped taking care of herself. She refused films and rejected any roles. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon… But then I decided to act. After all I’ve got the most beautiful woman on the earth. 
She is the ideal of more than half of men and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her and to hug her shoulders. I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses and compliments. I surprised her and pleased her every minute. I gave her lots of gifts and lived just for her.
I spoke in public only about her. I incorporated all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of our mutual friends and her own. You won’t believe, but she has blossomed. She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN love that much.
And then I realized one thing: the woman is the reflection of her man.
If you love her to the point of madness, she will become it.
Brad Pitt''

Love. Flower Girl. x

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Inspiration : )


                       15 truths that we 've learned from ''Sex And The City'' about life

It's been 12 years since ''Sex and the City'' has ended but still I find my self watching episodes every time it airs on T.V., especially in the summer when all series are being repeated all over again from the beginning. I will laugh, cry, reflect my self with Carrie and her friends.

''Relationships, no matter, how good, are inevitably a series of compromises'' - Carrie Bradshaw

Relationships are something that you have to work on constantly and make lots of compromises.

''I was real sadist. I was the one who tied myself on a man who was terrified of being tied down.'' - Carrie Bradshaw.

Perhaps is your fault as well obsessing over a guy that does not feel the same as you do for him.

''Maybe some women aren't made to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free, until they find someone just as wild to run with'' - Carrie Bradshaw.

Sometimes is better to be alone rather than with the wrong guy.

''Oh please! There is always a contest with an ex. It's called ''who will die miserable'' - Samantha Jones.

When you break up (most of the times) you put yourself in a contest with your ex who is gonna be the first that will move on and be happy with someone else .

''The only thing I learned that night that was maybe I should have stayed home'' - Carrie Bradshaw.

There are some nights that the best thing you should do is to stay home.

''I love you, but I love me more'' - Samantha Jones.

Loving and taking care of yourself should and must be you No 1 Priority.

''If you love someone and you break up, where does the love go? - Carrie Bradshaw.

The eternal and missing part ''Where does the love go when you break up?''

''A closet full of clothes, nothing to wear'' - Carrie Bradshaw.

Girls' problems; Even though you have a closet full of clothes you still can't find anything or decide what to wear.

''Maybe there isn't someone for everyone'' - Miranda Hawks.

What if there aren't everybody molded to find their other half? What if the'other half' does not exist?

''What are you saying? Are you saying you 're just gonna give up on love? That's sick!'' - Charlotte York.

On the other hand, Charlotte, the romantic one of the group, has learned us that no matter how bad your love life is, there is no reason to give up.

''The only thing I've ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several little fires'' - Carrie Bradshaw.

For the ones that belong to the 'I can't even make a toast' category.

''I don't believe in the Republican party or the Democratic party, I just believe in parties'' - Samantha Jones.

You go, girl!

''-Well, don't be a bitch'' - Mr Big
''-I am not being a bitch, I 'm just being myself'' - Carrie Bradshaw

Your response to those that call you bad, mean, snob - haters gonna hate.

''I'm a 'try-sexual'. I will try anything once'' - Samantha Jones.

There is no shame being sexually liberated and free.

''We made a deal ages ago, Men, babies, doesn't matter. We 're soul mates'' - Samantha Jones

No matter what, your besties are and will be for ever your second family. Do not neglect them for nothing and no one.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Relationships : )


                          9 things that men want from you but they will never ask from you

We all desire the same things, women and men, but men will never admit them:

  1. Respect: Although you may know it yourself but you don't: above everything else this is what they most desire. In practice this means that you have to give value on their thoughts, ideas, actions and feelings. 
  2. Admiration: O K, you are aware about this by now if you consider mothers raising up their sons complimenting them every minute. This means that in order to appreciate your admiration you have to say something special to them. 
  3. Comradeship: Sure they need their freedom on Sunday watching football with their friends but the rest of days he likes watching movies, with you next to him on the couch.
  4. The appearance of their girlfriend: Men really like when the woman of their life spends some time for herself. You don't need to be super models to make him happy. The fact that you only trying to look as better as you can satisfies his ego.
  5. The volume of your voice: Men do notice a woman's voice volume (observe how they comment your friends). O K, you won't be Marilyn Monroe, but you can always try. They response much easier when you have a kind voice volume.
  6. Encouragement: They like from us to give them courage. They want their woman to support and be there for them. Loyalty is very important for them. And they believe they will succeed everything better in this way. And, at the same, will do the same for you (give - take, vice-versa). 
  7. Gratitude: A simple ''thank you'' and a smile can mean the world to him. I am sure he has done something for you ( take you to dinner, take the car to the garage, did the food shopping) that he should and worth to be thanked for.
  8. Recognition: Some times men have different roles in their life and must do many things for their friends and family. Take some time to say these things to your partner so as they will understand that they are being appreciated. 
  9. Independence: Men love it. This does not mean though that they want to be alone all the time but they would love to do something without asking permission or feeling guilty about it.
  10. Support: Remember Steve on Sex And The City on that episode that he wanted Miranda's support on a basketball competition? Every guy needs the support of their girlfriend/wife.
  11. Desire: Men have the need to flirt, desire and show them that you are lucky to be with them.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                               Outfit Of The Day

Turquoise breezy dress by Lussile

 Brown sandals by Marciano by Guess

 Oversize wooden sunnies by Christiano 

French braid hairstyle

Love. Flower Girl. x

Inspiration :)


                                            Jennifer Aniston, you rock girl!

''We are complete with or without a mate, or with or without a child ''

What Jennifer Aniston stated on Huffington Post to paparazzi's hunting and women role models:

 ''Let my start by say that addressing gossip is something I have never done. I don't like to give energy to the business of lies, but I wanted to participate in a larger conversation that has already begun and needs to continue. Since I'm not on social media, I decided to out my thoughts here in writing.

For the record I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up. I'm fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily under the guise of ''journalism'' , the ''First Amendment'', and ''celebrity news''.

Every day my husband and I are harassed by dozens of aggressive photographers staked outside our home who will go to shocking lengths to obtain any kind of photo, even if it means endangering us or the unlucky pedestrians who happen to be nearby. But setting aside the public safety aspect, I want to focus on the bigger picture of what is insane tabloid ritual represents to all of us.

If I am some kind of symbol to some people out there, then clearly I am an example of the lens through which we, as a society, view our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, female friends and colleagues. The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing. The way I am portrayed by the media is simply a reflection of how we see and portray women in general, measured against some warped standard of beauty. Sometimes cultural standards just need a different perspective so we can see them for what they really are - a collective acceptance...a subconscious agreement. We are in charge of our agreement. Little girls everywhere are absorbing our agreement, passive or otherwise. And it begins early. The message that girls are not pretty unless they 're incredibly thin, that they 're not worthy of our attention unless they look like a supermodel or an actress on the cover of a magazine is something we 're all willingly buying into. This conditioning is something girls then carry into womanhood. We use celebrity ''news'' to perpetuate this dehumanizing view of females,  focused solely on one's physical appearance, which tabloids turn into a sporting event of speculation. Is she pregnant? Is she eating too much? Has she let herself go? Is her marriage on the rocks because the camera detects some physical “imperfection”?
This past month in particular has illuminated for me how much we define a woman’s value based on her marital and maternal status…
[It all] points to the perpetuation of this notion that women are somehow incomplete, unsuccessful, or unhappy if they’re not married with children''.

Well said,  Jennifer and well written, I must say.

''This past month in particular has illuminated for me how much we define a woman's value based on her marital and maternal status. The sheer amount of resources being spent right now by press trying to simply uncover whether or not I am pregnant (for the bajiollionth time..but who 's counting) points to the  perpetuation of this notion that women are somehow incomplete, unsuccessful, or unhappy if they 're not married with children. In this last boring news cycles about my personal life there have been mass shootings, wildfires, major decisions by the Supreme Court, an upcoming election, and any number of more newsworthy issues that journalists could dedicate their resources towards''.

Being complete as a woman is our decision and only, adds our buddy Jennifer.

''Here's where I come out on this topic: we are complete with or without a mate, or with or without a child. We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies. That decision is ours and ours alone. Let's make that decision for ourselves and for the young women in this world who look to us as examples. let's make that decision consciously, outside of the tabloid noise. We don't need to be married or mothers to be complete. We get to determine our own ''happily ever after'' for ourselves''.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Inspiration : )


Romantic novel

If you did not read this book, then you should start NOW. Saw the movie, loved it and started to reading the book.

Story line:

Lou Clark knows a lot of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in the Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.
What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.

Will Taylor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he’s going to put a stop to that.
What Will doesn’t know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of color. And neither of them knows they’re going to change the other for all time.

The rest of the story you have to read the book and find out.
(In theaters with Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin).

Have fun.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Monday, August 22, 2016

Relationships : )


                                          10 huge mistakes that women do in a relationship

  1. Recognize your value
If you like to chase ''bad boys'', then sorry ladies but you have to reconsider your taste on men. A relationship with a guy who behaves bad and does not communicate with you creates loneliness and self pity. You only live constantly in fear that you are not good enough and that you will not be loved. The truth is that no one deserves this, and only you can save yourself from such unhealthy relationship as soon as you realize it.

    2. Eliminate your manly side

Truth is that there are women who are very strong and show it in a daily basis on their professional and social life. This however some times has the opposite results to approach a guy. For some ironic reason their success on other general levels makes it impossible to succeed on a personal level. Thus those women should embrace their feminine side and let the man who is involved to handle the personal level. Each one has his/her own part. 

    3. Try to understand men

Women tend to believe and say that men don't understand us but if you think about it we as well tend to do the same. Women who tend to try how the manly mind works, are those one who have kissed ''a frog and transformed him to a prince''. Women are more complicated than men, and men handle things more simple something that we consider naive. If you know the way to inspire your partner then he will try to ''serve'' you: he is made for this. Learn to understand your partner and to justify your differences, so as to appreciate the person standing next to you.

     4. Don't try to change him

There is nothing worse for a man being with a woman who thinks everything is wrong on him and tries constantly to ''fix'' him like she would like to be. Men perceive critic as something serious. Most of the times they feel insulted and mentally castrated. Men like to feel that are being appreciated and this makes them feel proud.

     5. Start to really appreciate what he does for you

Although you may discuss with your friends about all the good stuff which your partner has done for you but most of the times you do not realize in which you are referring to or what is the one thing that has pleased you the most. Therefore you don't realize how important are those things that he has done for you. So leave your self centered ego and really focus on those that your partner has contributed to happen.

     6. You don't share with him your own charisma

Women tend to forget their feminine side that nature has gifted them: the willing to protect and take care of somebody. If you don't turn back the good actions that your partner has done for you through your own charisma he will be disappointed and therefore show it to you in various ways. It is important in your relationship to give and share and be appreciated.

    7.  You create drama instead of memories

Men are simple human beings. They like to solve problems and make things look easy. They tend to be cool and careless when they don't work on something specific and hate to spend time on something that has no perspective. They are lack of energy when women are drama queens. If you want his attention, then create a nice memory for him, something to remind him that was a beautiful moment and wants to live it again. If you create moments of misery, affliction and tension he will be tired and eventually will leave you.

     8.  Don't ruin his trust 

If your partner feels that you are the one then is for sure that he will want to feel safe within your relationship and trust you like a blind does. Men commitments are deep. A good guy has high standards and if you want to keep him you have to be honest.

    9. Don't force things to happen

Biggest mistake that most of the woman majority does: they meet a guy, get excited forget the whole procedure on being in a relationship and after a week they believe that they will get marry. This is a procedure that men are afraid of, because they want to live, get tested in a relationship, detect and at the end choose if it's the ''one'', not press the fast-forward button. The procedure of choosing for them is very important because they like to feel free to think. Forcing or/and pressuring a guy is something that will bring an outcome that you won't like and plus is not flattering you.

    10. Try to inspire him and therefore make him see a future with you

Listen to his wishes and needs, make sure to find out what he likes and what are his priorities. Create an environment that has perspectives. All people have the urge to find a companion on their life, not just a person that can follow but also one that adds beautiful experiences, visions and goals.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Relationships : )


                              6 sentences that you shouldn't say to your partner

  • ''What are you thinking now?''
Hm, he probably wants to bail. 

  • ''Do you love me?''
If he wants to tell you that, he will say it by himself. Sorry ladies but you can't force him.

  • ''Do I look fat?''
If he says no, then you will think that he is lying to you. If he says yes, then you will be upset. You will get an honest answer from your scale and not from your partner.

  • ''I have a headache..''
when he wants to have sex. Just let him know that you are not in the mood by hugging me, and not by turning your back - and for god's sake find another excuse; this is way an old trick.

  • ''What's wrong?'' 
Most probably everything is OK and you are imaging things; there is no need to pressure him to talk to you when he is unwell. Nothing to worried about - when he is better he will come to you.

  • ''That's all?''
You should know by now that you must NEVER say to him (yes, after sex) this sentence for the obvious reasons and not only. By telling him that he is low in performance in any level will only make him feel VERY bad about himself. And somehow he will start to be case you weren't aware of.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                                                                     Saturday 20/08/2016

                                                     Outfit Of The Weekend

First Picture : Me @ the beach : ) - Beach style _ wearing only one piece swimwear and a hat.

 One piece black n white swimsuit by Plaxd Sock Shop 

Red straw hat by Achilleas Accessories  

Second Picture: Me in the afternoon @ a restaurant opposite the beach; by wearing a denim shorts I change my beach outfit to a street style outfit and I am ready to go for dinner. You see one piece swimwear can be worn as a body con clothing as well.

High waist denim short by Top Shop

Love. Flower Girl. x

Relationships : )


                                                And this is why you should never chase men

                                                                       Would they?

Instead of chasing men, chase your own dreams. We all have been madly in love with someone who would make us feeling anxious for not contacting and would make us feel full of hopes by just one text message. But there are certain reasons that we shouldn't chase men, no matter how deeply we are in love.

  • Chasing someone that does respond, we end up hurting only ourselves
When we meet the right person who feels the same as we, we know it very well so there is no need of chasing him. Otherwise, we keep chasing him and trying to make him feel the same as we do ends up pretty much most of the times with no result.
  • We forget our friends and important people in our life
Friends and family become second priority in our life (sometimes third and fourth) and at the end we find our selves being total estranged. We are losing experiences as we try to create ones with an other person whose also we are not a priority. 

  • We open and give our heart to someone that does not worth it
He who is dying to be with you, does not neglect you. You may be ready to give or share your prettiest feelings but you should reconsider chasing someone who does not wish to do the same.

  • We spend our energy on something that has expiration date
We should spend energy for our future and not on weekend choices.

  • We start to forget what is important to us
We used to dream something different and we had once plans for beautiful things but all of the sudden we only care for this stupid message/phone call at 2 o' clock in the morning.

  • We loose our mind
This chasing may end up on an endless hide and seek and having incredible obsessions. And suddenly we realize that we are starting to loose our own mind. Of course this is not entirely true but only that we are reaching that level of madness it is a sign that you should stop right now. 

  • We oppress our self by forcing situations
Most of the times the expression ''what is meant to happen, will happen'' comes with a great touch of wisdom because that's all what we need. Let things to take their own course even if the outcome is not what we wish for.

  • Flirting might be fun but it can be exhausting 
Flirt and love are two wonderful things, but it takes ''two to tango''. When it's not mutual and is only one sided becomes stressful and tiring. 

Love. Flower Girl. x

Relationships : )


                                    Use this  6 sentences and he won't get over you never

The key is to spoil him; with these 6 key sentences you will succeed it for sure.
We women, take complements as granted most of the times and we forget that men, also need them as well. Feeling attractive and sexy is not only woman business. There are certain key sentences that most of men waiting to hear from their partner:

''You look nice today''

Not only women have insecurities but men have too. No matter if they show it or not, they are always wondering if their T-Shirt looks good on the inside or outside their jeans or if their belly is being projected too much from their belt. This is a good compliment especially if he is visiting the gym frequently. Why does he go anyway?!!

''I like... you know what''

Most of the times we should be more specific about what we look and not on our partner. Besides is not bad to say such a compliment as long as you don't get blush or laugh about that. Men are pretty vulnerable when it comes to their ''qualifications'' and excites them when we making them feel attractive.

''I like it.. when you bite my ear''

Men are the ''traditional hunter''; they make the first move or at least they ''should''make it (according to taboo). Some times you have to flush his imagination by saying to him what do you like from him to do on you. And remember: The more you ask or say, the more you get!

''That woman was staring at you''

Well something like that makes them feel confident for sure. Who doesn't like that?! You only show him that you are a strong woman, who does not afraid of challenges and competition.

''You are right''

 Truth is that they do most of the times (but not as much as they think). And even in the case they are not right, you should say it. Especially if you two argue often. You may not feel right going above your ego but at the end it's worth it. He will understand that you know what is factually correct and that you are admitting your mistakes (he thinks).

''Will help you with something?''

They like it as much as anything to enhance their masculinity. Do not forget that power and multitasking are manly characteristics (supped to be). If you need help to move your bed or an advice when it comes to work matters, do not hesitate . Ask him! He will feel useful.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Inspiration : )


                                                      7 tips being happy in a minute

  • Don't listen to everyone
They are not living your life and they will not feel what you feel. Each one of us has her own fears and experiences. No matter what they say, no one knows what is best for you except you and only. So, do what you think is good for you and show to everyone that you are a strong personality.

  • Do you ever though about how much do yo waste on thinking just the worst?
Let's be honest - how much of your time do you waste on thinking that something bad is going to happen? Especially we, women, are capable to plan in our mind an entirely science fiction movie script. Nothing bad is going to happen; we just need to relax, calm and stop stressing ourselves with bad thoughts.

  • Reality Check
Reality is a a very nice place to live in. It may have its upside down but this is life and it does not just stop. We should try make the present  wonderful because moments are precious and time flashes by.

  • ''Change channel''
If you are fed up with doing the same thing all over again then take control of your life; take the remote control and change the channel in your life now. You set what is interesting for you and what you want to to do in you life. Clear up your mind and pick a ''channel'' that will make your life more colorful.

  • Exceed the limits of your mind
The non spoken part of our mind has the ability to process 40 bits of information per minute. The spoken part on the other hand process 8 bits per minute. So, when your mind and your thoughts scream to you that something is not wrong, then you should check your body and the signs that gives you.

  • Do you actually feel free?
If you feel tighten up, worried, feeling tensed or a burden on your chest then your body is telling you that you are trapped in a reality that is not the right one for you.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Friday, August 19, 2016

Nutrition :)


                                               Foods you shouldn't be eating for breakfast

We all know that we should eat well in the morning so as to hold us for the rest of the day.
There are several benefits eating a nice full breakfast such as: we are not starving the whole day and waiting until lunch time to eat; we consume less quantity of lunch and dinner since we are feeling satisfied full after breakfast. But still eating breakfast is not enough to have energy and wellness. The key to succeed this is the correct combination and chooses of foods you make such as:

  1. Trade smoothie or juices : If the first thing you do after waking up is opening the fridge and taking a bottle of smoothie, the whole thing is wrong. Most of the juices that you boy have lots of sugar and drop your blood sugar and therefore you will have less energy. Better to prepare by yourself a nice smoothie with fresh fruits and veggies that contain less sugar than those.
  2. Cold cuts: If you like them so much, then buy them and consume them but not only on a daily basis. Processed foods like ham, bacon, sausage are high in sodium which dehydrates you and raise your blood pressure. Food that contain too much salt worse migraines in case you are in pain often.
  3. Sugary cereals: Always read the labels; check the sugar quantity in cereals. Don't be drifted that cereals are very healthy as many people say. Most of them if you read the label on the box are rich in sugar and calories and low in fiber.
  4. Energy drinks: You start your day by working out, which is fine and very good indeed, but if you drink an energy drink after it, then your whole work out has gone for nothing. And of course the reason is that they are rich in sugar, which at the beginning will make you feel energetic afterwards you will feel low. Better consume a nice healthy breakfast after working out to keep your energy in high levels.
  5. Yogurt with fruits: Again always read the labels before buying something; Are full of calories; Better eat Greek yogurt with 2% fat, put some honey in it and nuts.
  6. Whatever has processed carbs: Donuts and sugary foods are not suitable for breakfast. Neither muffins although you may love them and you would love to eat them for breakfast the result will be to feel sleepy and starving in few hours.
  7. Ready/Prepared sandwiches: Going to work in the morning may be easy for you to stop by a bakery or a cafĂ© and take a sandwich but honestly is not healthy at all. You may thing that you have excellent choices such as egg, turkey but still processed meat and the sauce they use in those sandwiches are full of calories. I am sure when you open the fridge you can find things to  prepare a nice, healthy sandwich at home; Just wake up a bit earlier in the morning.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Inspiration : )

                                          9 Things You Should Say to Your Kids Every Day

  1. ''I LOVE YOU'' 
       Say it to them as often as you like.
     2. ''I LIKE IT WHEN YOU...''

     Talk about positive aspects of their behaviors.

     3. ''YOU MAKE ME HAPPY''

     This makes them feel valuable.

    4. ''I'M PROUD OF YOU''

    They need to hear they are doing a good job, even when it's hard.

    5. ''YOU ARE SPECIAL''

    Let them know their uniqueness is a strength.

    6. ''I TRUST YOU''

    Building a foundation of trust raises an honest person.

    7. ''I BELIEVE IN YOU''

   Teach them how valuable they are.


   Encourage them to never give up.


   Be specific, this can really make their day!

Love. Flower Girl. x   

Relationships : )


                                  9 Things that men do and turn women off

There is a line between what turns us on and what turns us off when it comes to men. We make like the guy so much but on the other hand that feeling can be changed in a minute..

Why? Let's see below the reasons

What is your hobby?

The guy who always talks about himself and only. What does he do, where he goes, what does he like and dislike, where he goes out, and what kind of character is he. He never asks about you, Everything is about him and only him; Each conversation ends up discussing about him again and again and never about you; no interest at all; You end up believing that you came on this date as a reporter to find out about his life.

Self phone - social media

You tell him a funny story when you where a kid and you are very excited about it. He, on the other hand, shows no interest at all. He is checking his mobile phone, his Facebook wall and dawdles. He sees something, laughs about it and shows to you.

Has no expression - nearly never laughs

Who wants to be with someone that does not have a sense of humour? Someone who never laughs with your jokes? How boring can a man be!

He checks other women

You are out together and he does not focus on you but checks the other women left, right, behind and in front of him. Whatever is on the move, he is observing it and you are like a ''vase'' next to him.

He gets dull

Is he obsessed with cross fit and talks only about it? You have learned all the moves and you feel that you are working out at the same time? Bored already!

Fill up the gap: You are not like the other girls because .......!

How typical! If someone wants to impress you, knows how to do it. He tells you this to impress you in no time. Maybe this is that you want to hear deep down but will you fall so easily?

Friends VS You

He suggests you to go out with him and his friends. They all talk, laugh with each other's jokes and you realise that they all pretend that you don't even exist.

He talks about his ex-girlfriend

... which means only one thing; he still has feelings for her! Because if he was cool, he wouldn't even have deal with her! So simple!

He does not compliment you

No matter what you are a woman and you like it. If he does not notice the change on your hair, your tight dress that shows your ''goodies'', or your make up emphasizes your big brown eyes then this whole dating thing has no meaning. He should take care of you, admire and let you know about it.

You deserve better than this! Always remember that..

Love. Flowergirl. x

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fashion : )


                                      The 10 Style Rules according to Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham is one of the most elegant women of showbiz who has impressed the Fashion World and as designer as well.

  1. Style should be comfortable, personal and timeless.
  2. Invest to a pair of nice jeans, a nice jacket, a white shirt and a dress that you feel comfortable in it.
  3. You should always be yourself.
  4. Observe the fashion trends but choose pieces that are most important.
  5. The clothing that she can wear in every occasion is a dress (from her Ready to Wear Collection) that suits for morning and evening appearances.
  6. Pick a sexy dress for your date with your husband.
  7. ''Less is more'' is the rule when it comes to wear accessories.
  8. Before a special occasion, like the red carpet appearance, VB suggests to sleep enough, listen to nice music and enjoy yourself while getting ready.
  9. When you are preparing your vacations' suitcase, you should pack clothes for every situation an place them correctly so as you will not need iron. 
  10. Love and appreciate your self and always dress up for you and only.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Inspiration : )


                                       6 secrets of people with high self esteem

  • Put on your favorite mascara or lipstick: Allure Research has relieved that the 86% of women are more confident for themselves when they wear their favorite cosmetics.
  • But do not overdue it: According to a research that was publicized on the Personally and Social Psychology Bulletin, the self confidence of the American women was raised by 28% when they stop staring themselves frequently in front of the mirror. 
  • Do not hunchback: Yes, our grandmothers and mothers were right all along every time that we did not sit correctly. Not only because it's not feminine at all but also, according to the Ohio's University Research, wrong posture of our body prevent us from making positive thoughts for our self.
  • Lift weights: Researches of Northern Illinois University believe that every time you are lifting weights or working out with dumbbells your self esteem goes high. 
  • Set some goal: Reasonable goals to make you feel better with yourself; For example at the beginning of the week set your fitness program, let's say that you will walk or run x kilometers. Record the kilometers that you will run on your notebook or use the new fitness apps on your mob and you will notice that your self confidence will start to improve dramatically.
  • Spend some time for your self and only: Do something alone for yourself and only, for example run, meditate, read a book, go shopping. There are so many different things to do and will teach you how to be happy by being alone and not depending from others. In fact, in Professor Reed W. Larson's research was noticed that the people who were spending time for themselves had the least chances to develop depression or even most likely to get over it.

Love. Flower Girl. x