You should take risks in your life and if you fall, you will rise again
Hello beautiful people
It's been a while that I stopped sharing my thoughts with you but I am back now.
We are all human beings, each individual has its own personality going through different phases in our life. Life is a bitch, isn't it? But we should smile to that bitch and and very politely say '' you hit like a bitch'' every time when life knocks us down and calmly get back up.
Remember when our parents used to warn us that we should be careful, not to talk to strangers and not to trust people so easily? That we should choose wisely our friends and be sure about them before letting them in our life; we should not be naive and have a personality.
In this way we started to build our own personality, our own personality's walls. Each individual defines its own walls according its wishes and only the individual gets to decide to let a person to come across them. On the other hand there are people who are more open to others and choose not to have walls. They always give a second chance without thinking about it. Others choose to stay inside their shelves like the turtle and do not let anyone to entrance so easily. Just between you and I, most of the people want to be on the first category; being optimistic, giving people second chances.
But NO. As much as we want to, this cannot happen. We cannot exist without walls, we are human beings. It's in subconscious to protect ourselves, we do it without realizing it because this is how we are learning or at least have been taught to live under certain circumstances.
Slowly slowly this becomes our lifestyle. And so you learn not to let anyone see beyond the surface, nothing else expect what you decide to show. And if it is possible you do not show anything. And time goes by and we get use to this lifestyle that we start to believe that our walls have been built so pretty well that we consider ourselves invincible. We do not care that we do experience certain things, we only care that no one gets to entrance those walls that we have build. We lock our selves in a high tower, with the idea that we do need anyone to rescue us.
So, people come in our lives, we get to know them, and we compare them with those that have managed to break our walls. How many times did we loose the chance to be happy? Did you ever consider it? In the contempt trying to protect ourselves we end up hurting them instead without realizing it. Basically we decide by ourselves not to live. And time goes by. We compare with the past and we let the present go. It is really funny when you thing about how many things you decide not to see, how many emotions we avoid to feel.
And suddenly something total new comes in our life which has nothing to do with what we have so far experienced. You keep trying and trying to compare it with something but you cannot find anything because you know it there isn't. It is not a big deal, nor something remarkable. It is something new. Is like you have create a machine and is programmatic not to accept 100 things but there is a time that a thing would come without even trying to and take everything with it by itself.
What would you do? You get angry with it or with yourself? You find yourself incapable of protecting you or is this just a case that you did not mange to succeed? Tough luck arguing with yourself. You are angry because someone transparent what you have been building all this time. And then the anger goes. Everyone needs time to realize this. You try to behave reasonable, but will you? Others accept it, others refuse it.
Who does not want something new? Yes, fear does exist, but what's the point living inside of a shell? How can you call your life a ''life''? Life knocks you down but still you got the chance to know that you have lived. That you let yourself loose; that you did not chicken down; that did not quit.
Is like each year going to the sea for the first time. You go slowly-slowly, see if you can tolerate the cold. Other run from the moment they go, leave their stuff on the sand and go into the sea, without considering the col. Others need time, trying to use to it. Baby steps every time.
There are and always will be brave people out there; there are those who do not think of anything and rush into whatever. But better be in the category of people who entrance in a gradual pace otherwise there is a danger to get real cold out there.
As hard as it sounds, we should be open to whatever life brings us. I know, is not possible from one day to another, but at least in this way we will get to give a chance to people that are total worth it or perhaps not, but in any case we can never be sure. Besides life itself is a risk. You just keep trying and looking. And if life knocks you down, you will get up back for sure.
Flower Girl :)