Thursday, April 21, 2016

Relationships : )


                            5 Things that you need to do at the beginning of a relationship

In the early days of an acquaintance developing into relationship, everything seems beautiful, optimistic, idyllic. But it is precisely this period is important for the evolution of the relationship and how well will pass through it.

Below are the top 5 things to watch out for:

  1. Being lighter than your expectations
 Yes, you will scare the guy if on your first date confide him that you are dreaming having 5 five children with him (and, to be honest, you should not know from your first date if you want with the particular person to have 5 children), but is good from the beginning of the relationship being clear and honest of your own plans for your life. ''The never want to marry'', or ''pursuing an open relationship'' or ''wanting in the next three years to create family'' are perhaps things that you ought to say to your partner at the early stage of your relationship.
2. Do not try to become something you're not

By pretending that you like extreme sports it does not mean that you will be more interesting to the guy, who goes every weekend to the mountains for climbing. Instead, you will get stuck in an image that is not true and probably will see him disappointed to discover that you prefer to spend your Sunday staying in bed and reading your favourite book. At the same time, until you get tired ''feeding'' and confirming him a false image that you created for him, you will often have to pretend enjoying yourself with him  doing things that are not really interest you at all. So prefer, therefore, the truth: Your different perceptions of things, your personal characteristics and your interests can be your weapon to seduce him

3. Pay attention on things that later you won't want to tolerate

When we are in love, or even excited, we tend to overlook some faults of our partner, most of the times believing that we will "fix them". And this is one of the biggest traps in relationships. Your partner is who he is, before meeting you. And, probably will remain so for many years yet.

4.  Let go of your past behind you
Do not compare with your previous relationship, you can't be bothered what does your ex does, do not try to prove to your friends that you are again in love and, in general, do not let your past to intrude in any way to your new relationship. All these actions will sabotage your new relationship.


5.  Above all, set solid foundations

If this man really interests you and what you have for each other has the prerequisites  in the future to be developed into something meaningful, try to build it then properly and save it from your bad self. Jealousy, outbursts, lies, quarrels and, above all, lack of respect of the other person poisons relationships, no matter how intense are your feeling for each other. Make it right, then, this time to disappear all above.

Love. Flower Girl. x

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