Friday, November 25, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                             Wife, mother, chick, friend...

Related image

Time passes. Goes like the water and never comes back, one said. You count your birthday candles, that you now need the lungs of a diver, bigger,  in order to blow them and still you can not believe that this whole number of candles is actually yours.

When did you get all these roles? Once a young girl without responsibilities, now a wife, mother, worker, housewife, with predominant of all the mother's one. And not only this, but how time flew by reaching almost the forties without realizing it.

But inside you, you feel the same like you were twenty and thirty in a more tiring version of it.

Time goes by. Your baby has become a grown up child, and when you talk to it you sound like your mother who you used to make fun of her or you eyes are closing from 8 pm and all of sudden it hits you: you are not in your blooming youth. But what does first youth mean and when does it end? Is there a deadline?

There are young people that live and think like old one, there people in older ages that think and act like they were younger, never rest and are far more active than younger people.

And when I refer to behavior, I do not mean to do things that are not appropriate for their age because each thing on the right time as we say. On the other hand everyone is free to do whatever they want. His/her life, his/her choices, he/she won't ask for permission.

You are full of life to do things that pleases you and so shall be it!You are active and you behave like you have wings on your back. Especially when you are with your child, who comes first above all.

When you became a mother, your ''endurance'', priorities, and ''desires'' changed once and for good and for always; in this case ''the always'' applies correctly.

You wake up in the morning, you get your children ready for school, you go at work, you go back home in the afternoon, cook, tidy up the house and then you put the music as loud as it gets and you dance with your children. You become a child as well and you enjoy every minute spending with them.

You fill the plastic pool outside the yard and play together, with your bathing suits. You run together, play in the parks, playgrounds together, we draw and paint and make things together. You don't watch them playing, you are playing with them. Because you can and mainly because you want to.

When you first gave birth, you had no other desire rather than to occupy yourself with your child and only. When a time period went by you came around from that feeling of pregnancy and gave birth, organised your life a bit and finally though this program your ''other desires'' came to surface.

Above all being a mother, but not only a mother. Your life is your children, but the man that you desire, your friends, your work and mainly yourself. You want to pay attention to everything. And you can do it with the significant help of the husband.

Thank god that the contemporary fathers help with the house and with the children. A balanced, happy mother raises balanced, happy children.

How can you manage all that, people ask you. How can you manage to have time to do this and that, they ask. Any woman who wants makes it happen; any who does not wish will find an excuse. The secret to the success is that you do not waste your time on meaningless things. Moments do count and there will be always work to be done.

Is OK that your living room is not perfectly tidy or that your sink is full of dishes to be done. You divide responsibilities on your people who are willing.

Some things can be combined; Leave the food in the oven and take your child to bed; or you can go to bed with your husband and spend some time with; Or you go to bed and your husband can manage the oven; If you need some time to sleep, it is a desire as well.

It is not necessarily taking care of your self to be a specific activity; it can be something lazy as well. You may wish to watch Games of Thrones, which most of your friends have already seen the episodes weeks ago and you are trying to avoid to watch the spoilers.

You may wish to spend 2-3 hours with your friends chatting with some coffee or go out for a drink, like you used to do 10 years ago. Times change, but the need to do so remains.

The secret is to enjoy every moment wherever the part you are taking; when you are with  your friends, being a friend, when you are at your workplace, being a professional, when you are with your husband, being a chick and when you are with your children being a mother.

And because of the fact that whatever you do, you like what you are doing and therefore you enjoy yourself, because you enhance power like falling inside the boiler drinking the Asterisk's magic filter!

In general everyday you are discovering that from the day you gave birth you have more resistance and you manage to make time to do all these while when you used to be younger and single, there was never enough time to do the half that you are doing now.

You recharge yourself, and make sure to do so, you refresh yourself, you change scenarios because in this way you work better on your roles.

Spirit and mind do not age at the same with the body. There are people who did not age, just they grew up and that's enviable!

Love. Flower Girl. x

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                                 Separated and roommates

Image result for a girl lying on the floor

 Breaking up from a relationship and being a roommate with your partner is from one hand a bad scenario but from the other one is all clear up. But breaking up from a marriage or anyhow having kids in the middle, dogs, loans is a whole different matter. Bigger and complicated.

The second scenario of break up things are much more different, much more difficult. Especially when the couple must to live under the same roof. Either for a short time of period or longer. Either way the whole thing is uncomfortable and painful no matter the reasons.

Children are the main reason that the couple still share the same house together even if their paths are separated already, because parents live together in order not to hurt their kids, and later will slowly slowly announce their divorce, or perhaps until they grow up at a certain age to understand the reasons.

Two persons that became strangers, trying to live under the same roof ''for the sake'' of their children and at the end they make things worse. What does matter the most is not was ''it's shown'' but what it ''is''. What matters the most is not to appear or to be shown in the eyes of others a family, but to be in reality a family.

When you feel like there is nothing to connect you with this person anymore but you still stick to something that is unhealthy for both of you, it affects the children as well in a bad way because they understand the ''compulsively'' and feel the change. When you are forced to do something, forced to live with this person, how successful can all this be?

Then there is the financial part in a case like this. When all of the sudden the common account/fund has to separated which is something very difficult and not feasible in many cases.

Many couples have to live with each other because of financial problems just because they have no other choice? Separate houses, separate bills, kids' sustenance.

Sometimes one has no job, therefore the income is less and the person who is unemployed is not fully independent is the main cause that he has to stay most of the times. Because he has not learn to live alone or years have passed without a permanent job or not one at all and is very difficult for him to find one.

Consequently when this person has no earning and can not stand by his own, is not independent, the next thing he can do are more compromises and can not leave so easy. Pushing his patience's' limits since the less autonomic you are the less choices you have.

These are the type of people that live under the same roof without being connected anymore with those same things that they used to be connected years ago when they first started to live together. A relationship or a marriage. They don't live together nor because they use to each other, or because of love. The live together because of neediness. Because they can not do otherwise and can not afford it.

Because of the children or because of the money, however little matters. Whatever the reason, the moment you are being forced to live with this person, that you don't have anything more to give and stay with this person, ate the same time you have lost yourself as well, you have lost the other person and of course whatever you both used to have between you two.

There is nothing that left to hold on, nothing to keep you going.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                     Some people will be always connected by something without explanation...

Image result for two persons hugging each other in the forest

I don't know whether it's called chemistry or it can been scientifically explained. Honestly I don't care. Whatever we feel has no logic; If you try to put logic in feelings is like a death threat. Or is this that you desire? To kill it?!

Nevertheless hate to disappoint you because if you did for a moment succeed to rationalize your heart it won't last no more that a minute. For a moment. And then again you will be overwhelmed by your sweet inner haze. And for this reason and only I will not try to explain this mysterious and unbeatable power both physical and emotional attraction which can be developed between two human beings and overcome them.

It is a situation much deeper and intense than just a ''cock''. It does not want to call itself love although if it let go to exist, it would most probably to love. It might never admit its existence, but its intense in every chance reveals the engaged persons and leaves them exposed.

Perhaps those two person did not manage to be together to the present day. Perhaps they never might succeed it in the future when they are afraid to live it. There will be always something bonding them, which has tightened them on an invisible ribbon so as to pull each other together in every opportunity until they separate their paths again to search the reason why this ''something'' which bonds them can not be murdered.

This. The weird, familiar, unexplained, irritating ''this'' which does not look familiar with nothing else and no matter how many times they will put it somewhere in their head believing that it won't be shown or come out again, laughs with them until to the next stimulus.

Until the next time that something reminds him or her. When somebody will refer his or her name, that will cross by to their favorite place by accident, until a colleague will talk about him/her or even the worst scenario: they will run into each other's road.

Exchanging ''cool'' smiles but after they split the same moment will be frozen and replay in their mind the yesterday's scenes. Friendly hugs that when they are apart their bodies want secretly something more. The typical chats talking like hypnotized wondering how did they came to this now; they used to talk about everything and now they talk about nothing.

Those two who in the past they will jump to each other's mind with no mercy and they will literally about to explode. And if they did not put a trap to themselves they will do the same over and over again because this damn 'something' that bonds them is beyond themselves.

They will find other people to have fun. To forget. To feel passion. To be charmed. They will believe that with the help of someone of those others this something has left them for good. They connive though opposite one thing; This that they had the luck to share does not seem to something else that they have lived all these years nor are about to ever live again. It is not that they won't fall in love again nor that they will not move on with their lives. But nothing will ever be like that weird emotion that stir them up every time they were together. A feeling that they drowned and left it in the dark with the label '' it shouldn't'' or a ''bad timing''.

Even though the next that will come are ''cataclysmic'' , maybe more intense, maybe a real love etc, they won't managed to kill that one thing that they did not give the chance to live.This so weird, special so familiar that even time can not take;they will find themselves without wanting it of course in an environment seeking it. Wanting to feel it; Wondering why that particular person that manage to insert in them in a way that you find necessary.

And somehow. like this, two souls will be in a weird way always bonded wherever they are, even if the ''mind'' has forgotten. It will be always those ''two persons''. A story that is can not be deleted, can not be explained, even it can not find the light, it will always bring them together in unpredictable places, unpredictable way, in unpredictable time frames. Just to taste each other.

Their auras to be united even for a while since both still remind and look for each other secretly. To exist those ''two'' in an instant moment. Those two that overturned their meanings when they were together, and if they have decided to let themselves anywhere, anytime to live it again even for a night, will even overturned the balance of the universe; They will give everything and even much more to a union that has never existed; not even before.

Because, in case that you did not realize it by now, this that you inner world has chosen by instinct and once reminded you a powerful magnet, is the one that even you exile it in your subconscious will be yours because it will be for you and only. Don't be afraid anything that you can explain and understand. Don't be afraid the clearly and understandably. Because even if you feel in love one day clearly and understandably, it will be beautiful but not the same.

Be afraid of the baneful, the unexplained. This that you can not name but still  happened to you and fit almost like sickness. Be afraid like the devil afraid the incense because you want to live them more than anything else and you will desire this always; that's why you will always drive it off. Because it won't be something you can explain, harmless, neat feelings. It will be everything that can overcome you, all in one person. And that person will be always somewhere out there haunting you like a cross river to 'Give me life'' or to ''Kill me''. Be afraid of it because being so scary it will make you to choose usually the second one.  For this reason and only be afraid of it.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Flower Girls' Thoughts : )

                       The today's trend ''I want to be alone'' is a sign that something is wrong

Image result for a girl standing alone in the forest

Has ever happened to you waking up one day and hearing your partner saying to you that he needs time? That he can't breathe anymore and wants to be alone? And your whole world is tearing apart in 0 time without know what has happened and the reason; Feeling alone and betrayed; The one decides to go without discussing it first leaving you helpless?

This trend is a usual and a very weird phenomenon in relationships. When you are feeling that you are in a good place your partner bombs you with a sentence: ''I need time to think'' or ''I need to be alone'' and after that you don't know what in the world has happened or what is going on now.

You start wondering what did you do wrong or if is your fault and the worst part of all is that when that moment comes you won't find answer to your questions since your partner will condemn your relationship, leaving you with hands crossed and numerous questions.

You overthink, you get angry; What went wrong? Who's and what's to blame for? Why did we not discuss it? Don't wait for answers. There aren't any. And not because the other person is selfish and thinks only his part. This is not the reason. You won't get any answers because there aren't any. What do I precisely mean?

These kind of people are weird and mysterious human beings. A person has this trend because he has condemn the idea of your relationship inside his head and he just can not find words or the way to spill it out to you.  He is afraid, sometimes he thinks is needless, he does not want to put his self in that process because his responsibility-phobia stops him. From his part though everything is over and there is no turning back so he chooses the easy path: to disappear.

From the other hand there are those people who has this trend because of some sort of addiction; Drugs, gamble and alcohol. Those dark sides, that a person might be hiding and afraid to reveal or say, for understandably reason, but can't live without them. And so he disappears. And when he comes back everything is rosy and the dust that he will throw on your eyes, it's so intense that you can't believe it since you are in love. Let's hope though that this is a rare kind of trend.

There are also people who disappear but they always come back. They are afraid to deal certain situations or they need for some time being to be alone until they feel safe again to run to their partner. And from the moment they know that their person is there awaiting for them, of course they will take advantage of it.

Weird human beings, anyway the issue though is not the one who has this problem in this whole situation but the one who has not this problem and knows what she wants. These people are in the worst place who know what they want but those are the ones that can put an end to this and decide the way to solve things. Who ever you may meet, whatever the case the person is, you are the one who get to decide.

See that something is wrong and ''edit'' it, to filter the reactions and dig the thing. Wherever there is smoke, there is fire, right? You should not choose to ignore your instinct when is says to you that something is wrong. Discuss it, analyse it and do not let it to go down. If you care about your relationship you should not close your eyes just because you are afraid to deal with what is really happening.

The people with the ''leaving trend'' have already decided. Regardless of not being able to handle it, or putting something else or their self above you; they have already condemn their relationship inside their head. But what about you standing opposite death's door? You can end this nightmare and move on or you choose to close your eyes and in the nights to fight your own demons. So what do you prefer? A redemption, acknowledging of what is happening and be brave enough to deal with it or the darkness, that you choose no exit?

Love. Flower Girl. x

Friday, November 18, 2016

Outfit Of The Day 

Coz I rock baby!

FriYAY! Fridaze vibes 

Tee by Zara

Bottoms by Mango

Cardigan by Stradivarius

Bag by Guess

RayBan sunnies

Choker by Stradivarius

Sneakers by Topshop

Love. Flower Girl. x

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                         Outfit Of The Day

'Coz I am a diva!

Hello Thursday and I feel good na na na na so good so good so good I got you....

Business look today, stylish, chic and elegant with strict diva vibes..

Shirt by Topshop

Bottoms by Snob collection

Sunnies by Gianfranco Ferre

Low chignon sleek hairstyle

Love. Flower Girl. x

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                                 Outfit Of The Day

Wednesday and we are getting there!

Mid of the week and looking strict in total business outfit. Woman power girls looking confident, sexy and chic at the same time.

Bottoms with side stripe by Stradivarius

Body-con by Topshop

Blazer by Zara

Red pointed heels by Stradivarius

Metallic choker by Stradivarius

Low chignon sleek hairstyle

Natural makeup

Love. Flower Girl. x

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                    Outfit Of The Day

Tuesday but no bad vibes please!

In total bohemian hippie outfit at work today strolling around the city with friends and having fun chatting and laughing.. Good company, good times.

Victorian blouse by Intimissimi

Flower bottoms by BSB Collection

Booties by Stradivarius

RayBan sunnies

Love. Flower Girl. x

Monday, November 14, 2016

Relationships :)

                                       Some break ups do not hurt you but comfort you

Image result for woman standing on the window

Men and women wake up every day to go to the bathroom, to do their usual need and wash their face. Every day exactly in front of that d*** mirror face their own reality. Sometimes their reflections is bright from their last night stand and other times is blurred and feeling nostalgic for all those irreversibly nights.

Every morning they stand opposite the mirror, them as psychoanalyst and their reflection as a patient. Wash their face, brush their teeth, comb their hair, everything has to be done like the soldiers do in the army; with discipline. Especially when their reflection is blurred they try to ''fix'' it and bring it back to its normal bright level. Do not wonder anymore, people: they eyes will answer to your question: They have recently broken up and you can tell that they are tired.

They pry their figure in the mirror trying to get to use to it being alone. They have spent so much of their time ''worshiping'' idols next to their figure in front of that mirror. Some, you can tell that they have lost weight, checking how many kilos are less now. They are chocked from the result that they see; minus 60 kilos the guy, minus 80 kilos the woman on the other hand, feeling like a person is missing from them.

But what if this is the case? What if a burden have left from them? There is also this scenario the comfort of a break up. The same feeling when you loose the kilos after the vacations. You let your self go felling relaxed and carefree. When this period of time goes by they only thing you wish is to get rid the kilos that you have gained the soonest possible. But this does not mean that you did not enjoy the food, the drink, the cake; you just did not know the exact reason that you were eating so much food.

''I am full, I can't breath, I ate too much'' they say when there is no more space for food in their stomach. ''I am fed up'' declare couples just before their final break up. The same discomfort feeling applies for both cases. You are in pain, you moan, you regret feeling greed or bulimic until you get up after a while, feeling relieved and determined to put boundaries on your appetite and stop yourself to the point that you desire and stand.

You and only you. Away from people that caused indigestion. The judgement day comes at some point that you should choose if this is healthy for your body or just satisfies your appetite. Where does the scale lead to? Mind or heart? Does it lead to your partner or is he too heavy for your stomach?

You are wondering how did you manage to fall in love with a total different person in compare to you, how did you stay with him for so long, how this relationship transformed and changed you, in what possible way and when you let yourself to gain weight after being with this guy. Two parallel streets that never crossed to each other or two co-travelers on the same journey that were lost each other somewhere in the middle crossing?

Infinite questions that may never be answered. And most possible that these questions do not need to be analysed that much. You have this sense of comfort and that's good enough. Of course you will feel guilty just because you are feeling relieved as much as for those things that you have felt or thought during the relationship, but also for the final break up.

Will you choose the guilt of feeling relieved or the ''repeated'' option of ''expired food'?  The Ministry of psychosomatic disorders has warned you about the side affects caused by relationships' consumption after their expiration day; Pay attention on the label please, is a health matter!

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                   Saturday 12/11/2016

                                                    Outfit Of The Night

Hello beautiful people!

Saturday, fun day! Time to relax and go out with our good friends and have fun; Do crazy things, laugh all night; After all isn't' this all about life? To enjoy it my friends because we only live once.. We do not get second chance to come back, unfortunately.. Always remember that.
In a total bohemian outfit strolling down town..


Bohemian wrap blouse by Nidodileda

Hippie bottoms by DePe

Vintage bag

Messy hair 

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day :)

                                                              Outfit Of The Day

Good evening beautiful people.

Another week begins.. Mid of November.. No Bad Vibes in total olive outfit with gold/mustard details. Fashionable and chic always at work..

Have a nice week ya all.

Linen olive paper-bag bottoms by Topshop

Vintage gold knit

Olive bomber jacket by Stradivarius

Mustard pointed heels by Luichun

Mustard leather bag by TT Bagatt

Low chignon hairstyle

Pearl choker by Stradivarius

Love. Flower Girl. x

Friday, November 11, 2016

Pic Of The Day :)

                                                      Outfit Of The Day

Friday, I am in love; The cure for every single week, right?!

Good vibes, having a lovely afternoon with friends to chat and laugh after work. And of course in a 90's outfit. Good times, I know.

Black dungarees by My Ladida

White T-Shirt by Sud Express

Nike sneakers

Mustard leather bag by TT Bagatt 

Moon choker by Stradivarius

Knot up ponytail kinda messy hairstyle

RayBan sunnies

Love. Flower Girl. x

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                          Outfit Of The Day

Good evening beautiful people!

Mid of November and still the weather is warm even hot sometimes, like today. What a weird weather, I know.. The sun has blind me and I barely can see, funny...
Lovely afternoon with friends wondering around the city, having one of my favorite drinks from Starbucks.. Taking a break from worries, work and loosen up a bit.

Tip Of The Day: You gotta try Gingerbread Latte by Starbucks; Christmassy drink, yummy and lovely.

Vintage flared blouse by Red Herring

Midi blue skirt by Top shop

Camel lace up pointed heels by Blue Label

Low Chignon hairstyle

Love. Flower Girl. x

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Flower Girls' Thoughts : )

                                                       The key to happiness

Image result for a happy girl laughing

Friends will call, text, email you to wish you the best either is your birthday, name day or whatever the occasion. This is what you have been hearing since you were a child and this is what you wish for as we. To be happy... Yes. But what does the word ''happiness'' mean to you?

If you close your eyes for a while and imagine your self lying in your baby bed and on top on you there is an angel, what kind of happiness would you have asked him during you whole life? What would make you happy every day?

Happiness, although it is considered as a request, tends in general to have a unique view and interpretation. Which means that not everyone consider happiness with the same meaning. Despite that books are written, lectures are taking place, seminars, movies with the intention to acknowledge the meaning regards to soul and not the material.

But the issue is that we do not have enough and we are not happy with what we have. If you are as well, like the most people of us, accustomed to act according to a particular orbit of thinking, then it is difficult to imagine your self differently or to understand realities that you did not leave.

Let's start with these, daily that we take for granted. You are alive. Yes, because only staying in life you understand the meaning of death; As much as anyone can possibly understand of course. You shout ''YOLO'' in every chance yet you live every single day but you only die once. You have both of your hands and legs, you have a family, you have a house and someone to love you. Yes, he does exist out there, stop moaning. You get to see the sun, the mountains, the see, the cement. Well at least is something! You get to go to the cinema and chill watching a movie either is dram, action, sad or comedy and you go back home and sleep. Could you ever imagine yourself as a real main actor of such a everyday reality?

The agony to have more and more material goods is only imaginary and undercurrents a weak ''ego'' which has been trained precisely in this way in order to live under the agony of a prisoner. This captivity involves big houses, fast cars, expensive clothes and jewelry so as happiness can be seen. And while you have all the above, still you are not satisfied, you sink in depression and become a prey of dependencies that camouflaged what you desire the most.

So take a piece of paper and write down your goals and dreams, imagine yourself as a better version of it, and live from your comfort zone to bloom yourself. We carry the image pretty much wherever we may go, it;s the smell that we are missing. But to bloom you have first believe that you are good enough and that you are worth it; otherwise you are f***** up. Put your thoughts in harmony with words and actions, choose happiness as a lifestyle and as as the people that play an important part in this. Yes, these are your options.

And sometimes you should be brave to clear everything up; Clothes, shoes, accessories, documents, pictures, record and whatever that you are longer use. And step away from toxic people and take off the masks that you sometimes you tend to wear.

You get to be happy because you decide to be happy. You realize that is coming within you, because only you are responsible for your thoughts and your feelings. If you leave your self in others' hands to be complete then you leave them the possibility of your happiness to them as well.

Tomorrow morning then, just before you get up to live instead of counting bills and debts, think at least about three reasons that make you happy. And when you leave your house search for smiles and optimism. Change the way you see things and things will automatically change!

And this will only can be done if you set happiness as a value that you choose to have everyday in your life and not as a purpose that you are trying to reach to feel happy and complete. Because at the end, as much as you try to get the meaning you loose the substance and substance contains the whole meaning.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day :)

                                                            Outfit Of The Day

Good evening beautiful people

Wednesday, mid of the week, good vibes, right?!

Strolling around the city in an all time classic outfit. ..

Khaki flared skirt by LA Lanidor

White body-con by Topshop

White knit by Intimissimi

Nude pointed heels by Buffalo London

Mustard leather bag by TT Bagatt

Love. Flower Girl. x

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fashion Tips : )

Image result for leather skirt street style      Image result for leather skirt street style knit and sneakers

        Leather skirt remains a must have item for this season as well;
         Combine it with a nice quality  knit on top
          and a pair of white sneakers
           for a casual ultra chic street style appearance.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                        Outfit of the Day

Good evening beautiful people!

What a week, a? It's Tuesday, I know!! Bus still we smile and keep going no matter how life treats us. And of course we are always fashionable and stylish strolling around the city..

High waist bottoms by BSB Collection

Floral blouse by Red Herring

Cardigan by Stradivarius

Red pointed heels by Stradivarius

Leather mustard bag by TT Bagatt

Sunnies by Gianfranco Ferre

Love. Flower Girl. x

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                         We miss the most those who we did not manage to keep in our life

                                           Image result for a woman's shadow staring on the window           

Good morning beautiful people

Losing people in your life is something inevitable. It happens to all of us and we all do remember persons that used be full of smiles and hugs. We all to recall a painful lost in our life and with our memory and heart we try to keep people that we lost alive next to us, of as long it is possible.

However, there is one more kind of lost; Losing someone who is still alive. Losing a person that you once loved so much, who you trusted him and shared together worries, fears, thoughts, hopes and worldviews. And I do to refer to a lover, not necessarily.

I am referring to friends, mentors, to those anyway that had the honor with their own value of course to call them ''your people''. And this kind of lost is what hurts me the most because I know this person that is not missing, in reality is over there, somewhere near.

He does exist at the end of the other telephone line, behind of a laptops' screen, at the next adjoining wagon. It kills that you can't do anything to approach him. Approaching him would be a casus belli. You try to be as much as insensitive you can, you freeze your hear, so as not recall that for this whole situation was not your fault. You are just paying the price.

This lost hurts you the most, because those persons that we miss are the ones that we let go through our hands. Those that we devoted time and feelings, that we have open our heart to. We let them insert in our world, where few have the potentials to enter. Because they had that magical key which we were looking in other places, till we have discovered that those were always keeping it.

Those who understood us before even speak. They knew exactly the phrase/sentence that will dry our tears and how to deal with our nagging. They had their own way to make us laugh and berate without upsetting us.

And this is how it was, every day. In every excitement and every disaster. In every serious succeed and every stupid problem that came up. Until one day was not anymore and you still don't get how and why. And when all of sudden you loose a daily companion, a useful advice, a hand in need, you are uncertain about everything.

You have nowhere to go and no one to talk with about your worries, fears and problems. And while ou feel the lost gap and pain in the same ou that person that you have lost is still there for the other, that he has not gone. He just does exist for you; He shouldn't exist for you.

Everything is different now. The simple things are no longer as it used to be, they lost their color, the laughter, their music. A funny incident which you no longer can't share, the day has pass by and can not gossip about it, you share all these with yourself and only.

And in this way, without choice, you ''pull the door'' and and move on, dragging behind you another loss, another burden that will complicate your course. But you continue always forwards. Because there your life draws you.

You already know based from your experiences, that others will come to fill the gap, but never replacing the one who has left, the one you have lost. And you already that these are the rules of the game that either you like it or not you have to comply with. So you move on. You learn to continue, to move on. You clean the debris, you wipe up the pieces and you go out again.

You step ahead and you dance again, because after this is what all about life, isn't it? An endless dancing with pirouettes, back push, falling down and figures. Music is sometimes slow and sometimes fast.

Sometimes you pant, sometimes your feel start to move by themselves, your hips are in pain, your breath is coming slowly, you feel other's sweating bodies, you hear their pant, you lift their burden on your shoulder in this dancing cycle that pulls you strong and goes only forwards.

It goes and you go with it. To dance, not feeling the floor on your feet, to fly! Leave them all behind staring and watching you sitting on their tables, showing to them how to fly, how to defy every natural law and enjoy your life. Until the next loss.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Friday, November 4, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                                  No one has ever forgotten by drinking

Image result for guy drinking beer

'' I drink to forget'' a friend of mine one said and he laughs while smoking. As if the booze will erase the memories. And the one who said it first either was a big damn-ass or a troll.

The same influence that has the liquor on fire, it has on thoughts as well. Every sip is the fuel for a time machine which takes us back in time, but with the condition that it accepts only to transport imagination and not the reality. An utopia with an expiration date the time that you are will wake up the next day with headache and difficulty to breathe, and even for a while, will allow you to play again the scenes only with different speeches, dialogues, behaviors, and even main actors.

So drink to forget and good luck if you ever manage to succeed  it. The more you drink then more feelings will be coming on the surface one after other. Almost all, except the first one that you were wishing for, from the very first sip, the Lethe.

From literary masterpieces till love songs that you will listen on third-second class music entertainment places that speak about the blurred surreal mishmash of thoughts gives its place to logic, and besides feeling , it starts as well to awaken the ghosts that are hunting us.

Then is the time that we regret all those f****** ''leave'' that we said the time we wanted them to stay, for those time that we turned our back and said goodbye instead of putting roots inside the shoe so as they won't make us to move and leave. They say everything happens for a reason. With the same logic it applies the same for all those things that did not happen.

And that time not only we do not forget but even the no achievable things start to imagine to us real. The burden that we carry on our back illuminates it lighter. Then we do supposed to not know what to do but did not have the guts to dare.

At the end people is tired of conscious preoccupation with substance, likes to be occupied with stupid details, to live the illusion of control. Illusion in the sense that he can fix mistakes, illusion in the sense that after drinking the half bottle to drive, illusion that after a finished story he still may have hopes. Biggest mistakes have taken place after being drunk. Car accidents even drunken messages that never should have been sent.

Booze seduces you insidiously; First you are in euphoria, that you preserve by drinking a little bit more. Truth begins to flirt with fiction and before you realize, you are going through an emotional loading kind of earthquake. No, my friend you do not drink to forget. And you know it from the very first sip. The only think for sure that you might forget is your cell phone, cigarettes or keys, and sleep on the floor.

The rest you will remember in every single detail. If it does exist the saying that we are mortals until the first kiss or the second glass of wine, they you have nothing to be scared or feeling guilty for. When you are in deep lowest sh&**, then there is upwards.


Love. Flower Girl. x

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                   Whoever is not a part in your life now, then he never was..

Image result for a girl sitting in the bus alone

Whoever is not anymore a part in my life, now, then he never was either in the past. Law. An amendment established from today. Fascism. You name it; A report. An announcement. A decision. The dictatorship of the substance. An excommunication. I can name budge of nouns till midnight.

Month is over 2 days ago. If my life was a store, I would have certainly closed books. I would have been working at the warehouse. I would check the stock, order in case for new one. Exactly what accountants do end of the month or every three months. And after I would realize that what I have is what I have already count. Nothing from what I had. Just what I have now.

It's only few times in your life that you need to ''close a book''; Something that you and only need to do. That you will want to look around you and count. See who has stayed, no matter what had happened, whoever you are, whatever you do, how far you may come, whatever may happen.

Whoever is not anymore a part in my life, now, then he never was. Unfair, for those who were in the past next to me. For those who left recently. If they were with me for a good cause, then they would have stayed. If their intentions were true, crystal clear, they would have stayed then. I would have counted them now next to me and they would have done the same as well.

If at that point our connection was a love bond, then they wouldn't have left, I would have not removed my self from them, our paths wouldn't have separated. We would have found a way. No one of us would have abandon our relationship. Words wouldn't have broken us up. Neither actions. We would have succeed. We would have been still together. And if something was once in danger, we would have rescue it.We would have taken precautions.
You people that you are now gone, where have you been when this whole thing was taking place? I wont' say what, I do not want to cause emotion mood. I am just asking, where have you been? Where are you now that this whole insane is happening? Where am I? Is like that we have never met. But we did not meet each other, indeed.

And if is unfair for those that have came and left, then it is as just generous for those that have recently came and perhaps have not been tested enough yet. But they have managed though to insert in my life, they did today before the census. They haven't been tested, but they came in this mess. They saw the difficult part, the mess, the chaos and still they wanted to be a part of my life. They weren't discouraged by the tent, the ''bad weather'', my own weird mood. They saw something else and for this reason I do appreciate them.

Whoever is not anymore a part in my life, now, then he never was. So I have decided this morning, and so I ''demanded'' to be. My life, my rules. My criteria, my point of view, my census then. The fingers that I count them belong to me, my excommunication then. Each person't life is like a bus. Others stayed to the whole way but before the finish they came down. And others walked in now. But there is a time, only once, that you want to lift your head and check who's sitting next to you. And is the moment that you need the most to do this. Count them. Because who ever is not right now a part of you life, then he has never existed, never was.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                             A bottle of wine, a blanket and you

Image result for a couple hugging in bed

I desire many things in my life. I demand too much from my self. Having few is never enough. I was always asking for more and when I had them I wanted ever more. I was never satisfied with what I had. But there are some times that few are more than enough for me. For example I find satisfaction drinking a bottle of wine, a warm blanket and being in your arms.

Yes, there are those moments that I am satisfied with the few things that you offer me. There are those nights that your hug is more than enough. And I honestly can say that those nights I am full than I ever was. Those times that you kiss my on my forehead and the feeling is amazing, as if you take all the burden off my shoulders.

Inside a house, inside a room, on the couch. You and me. Two arms holding my like I have conquered the whole world. I might never conquer the world, but I have you and you make me happy more than rest of the world. The world out there is not as kind as you are and definitely does not love meas much as you do.

For me is enough that I know that you are next to me every single night. I have you by my side, to kiss me, you will say goodnight and give me a hug. Is kind of ritual before going to bed. Every morning I am thinking our little evening ritual and I keep waiting and waiting the night to finally come and to repeat itself.

You know, I realize that you make me a better person. I was never the kind of person that I was sentimental and loving. I have never believe to fairy tales about love. Neither now I do not believe. But now I know that if fairy tales do exist, my favorite will be our own.

But our fairy tale is not like the others, the classical one that ends with the heroes living happily ever after in the castle. Ours is with no end yet.  Yes, this is the difference that makes our fairy tale special. We do not want to end it; we want to live it as it is now. Without thinking what end fits to it.

You and I inside our fairy tale. You for me and I for you. Is there anything more beautiful than this? Why should we ask more since we are fine as we are now? You know, too many do not help sometimes the situation. So leave it as ti is my darling, and if one day I ask for more, remind please that we have already everything because we have each other.

Perhaps you have taught me something more than love. You taught me to live simpler and the more you may have, do not make you a better person. If you don't have a pair of ''arms'' to hold you in the night, if you don't have a person to kiss you in the morning and say good morning, then the rest is useless; Only thing I want is you.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                         Outfit Of The Day

Thursday! Yay Finally this week is almost to its end : )

The outfit today is mix n match since my mood is I don't know what...
But we gotta keep trying people no matter how we are inside.

Khaki bottoms by Lanidor

Jungle shirt by French Connection

Brown knit by Mango

Mustard pointed heels by Flashback

Mustard leather bag by Bagatt

Sleek hairstyle

Love. Flower Girl. x

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Flower Girls' Thoughts:)

                               How can you live without passion in  your life?

Image result for a girl l with fireworks in the street

Good evening beautiful, people!

We look in the mirror and we barely recognize our self. We go to bed and wake up while we are waiting for the weekend, we count the days till Christmas, we add days on August so as we don't have to say goodbye to summer. And all these for what?

Because everyday day life has become routines' synonym. And the more we hate this ''routine'' the more we are taking care of it - ironic, I know - to shape it more boring, more and more unbearable. We fed it with ''dead'' hours that we simple consume by killing our precious time literally and metaphorically.

Waiting for something to come and to make us happy - an event, a fest, a break from our routine - instantly we make our everyday life unbearable. We let it to be lost in obscurity without paying any attention , we and only demote it.

Waiting more and more for something to grab us from the mine of inertia, waiting even to live. The rest of the days we simply forget it.

It is not hard to realize what is missing in our life and make it so difficult, if you think about it. Like when you drink your coffee you need to add sugar, in food you add salt, in this way life needs its own ingredient to taste better. You can ''drink'' it raw. Or perhaps you can drink it but has no taste. And we prefer the raw version when the ingredient does not make sweet, nor fat does not harm health, but rather the opposite?

What we have subtracted from our life - either by choice or not- is the passion. It is most probably unreal- but don't be a fool - it is real! how different would everything be if  you give it the right food. A motive. The mind has build in this way to work all the time. When it vegetates, then it gets tired. And when it gets tired it makes you see everywhere and everything black, it removes from your view the colors.

Give to your mind a puzzler  to solve. Give to your mind passion. Give to it a task that you like so as in the night to think about it and give you dream. Give to it a profession that makes you happy and it will try to give you 1002 solutions so as you succeed on it. Give to it a face to worship and it will transform you, will give you a magic potion which make you go and claim for it. Just give to your mind something and you will start living.

Do not remain static, life skips you fast. Like a child which runs all over the place non stop, full of energy and resistance. It won't wait for you. Grab that smiley child's hand and let it show you a far more beautiful world. A faster world, a hyperactive, an elective one. When your pulses rise up with your hearts' pulses then you won't have time and breathings to waist on waiting.

Love. Flower Girl. x

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                           Outfit Of The Day

Finally is Wednesday! Great feeling, right?

Mid of the week, another day at work and baby is cold outside. Winter is at the corner but feels good... 
And of course a little bit of fashion touch makes us feel better even if we are s*** inside...

Bohemian retro top by Castro

Black linen bottoms by Springfield

Nude wedges by Nine West

Sleek hairstyle

Love. Flower Girl. x

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Pic Of The Day : )

                                                              Outfit Of The Day

Hello November!

Winter is officially on, people. Cozy nights by the sofa, with cup of teas and watching movies.. Yea, sounds awesome. And while raining even better, right?!

I wish you a wonderful fashionable month.

Burgundy purple chiffon blouse by Red herring

Purple/grey linen bottoms by United Colors of Benetton

Wedges by Nine West

White leather bag by Lanidor

Love. Flower Girl. x