Friday, November 25, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                             Wife, mother, chick, friend...

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Time passes. Goes like the water and never comes back, one said. You count your birthday candles, that you now need the lungs of a diver, bigger,  in order to blow them and still you can not believe that this whole number of candles is actually yours.

When did you get all these roles? Once a young girl without responsibilities, now a wife, mother, worker, housewife, with predominant of all the mother's one. And not only this, but how time flew by reaching almost the forties without realizing it.

But inside you, you feel the same like you were twenty and thirty in a more tiring version of it.

Time goes by. Your baby has become a grown up child, and when you talk to it you sound like your mother who you used to make fun of her or you eyes are closing from 8 pm and all of sudden it hits you: you are not in your blooming youth. But what does first youth mean and when does it end? Is there a deadline?

There are young people that live and think like old one, there people in older ages that think and act like they were younger, never rest and are far more active than younger people.

And when I refer to behavior, I do not mean to do things that are not appropriate for their age because each thing on the right time as we say. On the other hand everyone is free to do whatever they want. His/her life, his/her choices, he/she won't ask for permission.

You are full of life to do things that pleases you and so shall be it!You are active and you behave like you have wings on your back. Especially when you are with your child, who comes first above all.

When you became a mother, your ''endurance'', priorities, and ''desires'' changed once and for good and for always; in this case ''the always'' applies correctly.

You wake up in the morning, you get your children ready for school, you go at work, you go back home in the afternoon, cook, tidy up the house and then you put the music as loud as it gets and you dance with your children. You become a child as well and you enjoy every minute spending with them.

You fill the plastic pool outside the yard and play together, with your bathing suits. You run together, play in the parks, playgrounds together, we draw and paint and make things together. You don't watch them playing, you are playing with them. Because you can and mainly because you want to.

When you first gave birth, you had no other desire rather than to occupy yourself with your child and only. When a time period went by you came around from that feeling of pregnancy and gave birth, organised your life a bit and finally though this program your ''other desires'' came to surface.

Above all being a mother, but not only a mother. Your life is your children, but the man that you desire, your friends, your work and mainly yourself. You want to pay attention to everything. And you can do it with the significant help of the husband.

Thank god that the contemporary fathers help with the house and with the children. A balanced, happy mother raises balanced, happy children.

How can you manage all that, people ask you. How can you manage to have time to do this and that, they ask. Any woman who wants makes it happen; any who does not wish will find an excuse. The secret to the success is that you do not waste your time on meaningless things. Moments do count and there will be always work to be done.

Is OK that your living room is not perfectly tidy or that your sink is full of dishes to be done. You divide responsibilities on your people who are willing.

Some things can be combined; Leave the food in the oven and take your child to bed; or you can go to bed with your husband and spend some time with; Or you go to bed and your husband can manage the oven; If you need some time to sleep, it is a desire as well.

It is not necessarily taking care of your self to be a specific activity; it can be something lazy as well. You may wish to watch Games of Thrones, which most of your friends have already seen the episodes weeks ago and you are trying to avoid to watch the spoilers.

You may wish to spend 2-3 hours with your friends chatting with some coffee or go out for a drink, like you used to do 10 years ago. Times change, but the need to do so remains.

The secret is to enjoy every moment wherever the part you are taking; when you are with  your friends, being a friend, when you are at your workplace, being a professional, when you are with your husband, being a chick and when you are with your children being a mother.

And because of the fact that whatever you do, you like what you are doing and therefore you enjoy yourself, because you enhance power like falling inside the boiler drinking the Asterisk's magic filter!

In general everyday you are discovering that from the day you gave birth you have more resistance and you manage to make time to do all these while when you used to be younger and single, there was never enough time to do the half that you are doing now.

You recharge yourself, and make sure to do so, you refresh yourself, you change scenarios because in this way you work better on your roles.

Spirit and mind do not age at the same with the body. There are people who did not age, just they grew up and that's enviable!

Love. Flower Girl. x

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