Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Inspiration : )

                                      8 Warning Signs Of Chronic Anxiety Most People Ignore

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Chronic anxiety is a common anxiety disorder that involves constant worry, nervousness and tension. It goes far beyond worrying about a work project or being nervous before a date. Chronic anxiety is an intense, persistent and excessive problem that can become extremely disruptive to a person't everyday life, including his or her health.

Anxiety causes constant worry, feelings of dread, the inability to relax and feelings of being overwhelmed. It's also entirely possible for anxiety to manifest into physical symptoms, not only affecting mental health, but physical health as well.

While the behavioral and emotional symptoms of chronic anxiety are more widely known, these 8 physical symptoms can also be signs of an anxiety disorder:

  1. Muscle Pain: One of the most common physical symptoms associated with anxiety is muscle pain. Stress can cause pain in the muscles as well as inflammation.
  2. Headaches: Headaches are another common physical symptom of anxiety. Stress causes tension in the muscles while can cause frequent headaches. Excess caffeine can also make headaches worse. Image result for 8 warning signs of chronic anxiety most people ignore
  3. Fatigue: Chronic anxiety is extremely stressful. The stress from anxiety can weaken the adrenal glands, which play an important role in maintaining overall health and balance in the body. Fatigue can result from weakened adrenal glands.
  4. Digestive Problems: Chronic anxiety has been linked to poor digestion, including irritable bowel syndrome. When the brain isn't functioning properly, the digestive system may also experience problems. Serotonin, the brain's calming neurotransmitter, is mainly produced in the gastrointestinal tract. Anxiety can cause poor digestion and low levels of serotonin. Related image
  5. Sugar craving: Sugar stimulates a feeling of pleasure before causing a crash. Those suffering from anxiety may crave sugar when experiencing distress. They're seeking a pleasurable feeling when they are stressed or upset.
  6. Trouble sleeping: Suffering from chronic anxiety can make it extremely difficult to be able to relax or fall asleep. The brain is rapidly firing and doesn't slow down just because it's time for bed. Those with anxiety have trouble ''shutting their brain off'' at night.Image result for woman trying to sleep see the clock can't
  7. Mood swings: When the  brain is filled with negative or worrisome thoughts, patience is reduced. Those with chronic anxiety may have a tendency to lash out or snap at someone asking for attention.
  8. Lack of focus: Someone with anxiety may have a hard time concentrating or focusing, because the brain is generating a million other things. A person might be trying to work, but her mind is somewhere else. Image result for 8 warning signs of chronic anxiety most people ignore

There is no quick fix for an anxiety disorder, but a healthy and balanced lifestyle can help keep symptoms at bay. If you're battling anxiety, visit a health care professional, and consider making these important life changes (or at least try like I do):
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit caffeine 
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Try meditation
  • Practice deep breathing
  • Establish a reasonable schedule
  • Identify unhealthy relationships
  • Talk it out when you start to feel overwhelmed
  • Know who to avoid when you're feeling anxious


FlowerGirl : )

Monday, February 27, 2017

Inspiration : )

                        17 Habits of Happy Independent Women - How Many Do You Have?

Image result for a woman with few  tattoos on the bed

Being an independent woman, and a happy one at that, is the most important person you can be. When you're bit dependent on anyone else, you get to live your life, on your terms, and not really five a flying fuck about the judgments of others. You don't have to wait for people, you never put yourself second, and your complete self-awareness keeps you always your thing - happily so. Not sure if this describes you? Here's how bad-ass independent women do things.

  1. She Goes To Restaurants Alone. And never brings a book to hide behind, because restaurants are for eating, not pretending to read a book as some sort of safety blanket. Hell, she even prefers to go alone, so she can have some time alone while enjoying 1000 calories of awesomeness.
  2. She Never Waits Around For Some Guy To Call Or Text. If he's into her, then cool. If not she's not going to state at phone, get all upset, and cry herself to sleep. She doesn't have time for that. She already knows she's a catch.
  3. She Prefers To Travel Solo. Because nothing says killjoy like waiting for your travelling buddy to get ready in the morning or throw a minor fit because she wasn't at the La Sagrada Familia exactly at 11. I mean, come on.
  4. She Doesn't Roll With The Crowd. The crowd is almost always boring. She prefers taking other roads to get to where she's going.
  5. She's Confident Enough To Walk Away From A Bad Situation. Whether it's a date that has gone sour or a job that doesn't offer enough, she knows when to walk away and start anew.
  6. She Buys Her Own Flowers. It's symbolic gesture that she does not need someone else to do it.
  7. She's Not Looking For A Boyfriend; She's looking For An Equal Partner. She doesn't have to someone's girlfriend, so she wants someone who can stand on their own two feet, too, equal in their own independence.
  8. She Recognizes She's An Asset In Every Possible Way. Because of this, she's fearless when it comes to asking for a raise and never settles for second best.
  9. She Doesn't Have Time For Bullshit. She doesn't play games, she doesn't waste her time, and she sure as hell isn't' going to get sucked into dram.
  10. She Stands By Her Convictions. Which means she never wavers and is totally going to kick anyone's ass in any political debate.
  11. She Doesn't Need To Be Spoiled. She can spoil herself, thank you very much.
  12. She reaches For The Bill. Of course, having dinner paid for is always a nice gesture, but she wants to make it clear that she can easily take care of herself.
  13. She Gives Needy People The Boot. If you can't come to the party a whole person and you need to reassured and cradled like a needy kid, then you're out of the door. She wants an equal, not to be someone's babysitter.
  14. She Puts Her Goals First. This doesn't mean she disregards others in her life, but she'll be damned if she lets someone in her way of achieving success.
  15. She Knows Exactly Who She Is And What She Wants. And she's not afraid to be vocal about it and go for.
  16. She Will Never Need Anyone. She Knows the difference between need and want, and while she may want people, she will never, ever need them.
  17. She Doesn't Apologize. Because she doesn't have to... for anything.


FlowerGirl : )

FlowerGirl's Thoughts : )

                                          6 Reasons Why Intelligent People Fail to Be Happy

6 Reasons Why Intelligent People Fail to Be Happy

Have you noticed that some of the most intelligent and deep thinking individuals out there fail to be happy?    

They may have a loving life partner, family and be successful in their job; yet, there is something that occasionally makes them feel alone, sad and discouraged.   As Ernest Hemingway said ''happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know''.

Here are six possible reasons why happiness in highly intelligent people is such a rare phenomenon:

  1. Intelligent people over analyze everything. Many people with a high IQ tend to be over thinkers who constantly analyze everything happening in their life and beyond. This can be draining at times, especially when your thinking processes take you to undesirable, frustrating conclusions. Have you heard the saying, 'Ignorance is bliss?' It surely is - the less you understand, the more carefree and, therefore, happy you are. Being able to read people's true selves and hidden motives is enough to make you feel disappointed with the whole world sometimes. Not even mentioning the feelings that come along with the reflection on philosophical matters, global issues and life's timeless dilemmas that have no solutions.
  2. Intelligent people have high standards. Smart people know what they want and don't settle for less than that, no matter what area of life we are talking about. This means that it's more difficult for them to be satisfied with their achievements, relationships and literally everything that has a place in their life. Moreover, many people with brilliant theoretical minds happen to have poor practical intelligence and somehow idealistic views of the world. So when their expectations face the raw reality of life and other people, it inevitably leads to disappointment. 
  3. Intelligent people are too hard on themselves. Another reason why smart people fail to be happy is that they tend to be too strict with themselves. And here, I'm not talking only about one's achievements and failures. Intelligent, deep thinking individuals often analyze themselves and their own behavior in such a rigorous manner like if they are intentionally seeking out things to blame themselves for. Sometimes, you just lie there in your bed trying to fall asleep and suddenly recall a situation (which probably happened years or, at least, months ago) when you didn't act the way you should have. This is enough to mess with your sleep and spoil your mood. Intelligent people often experience such kind of flashbacks into their past mistakes. All this cultivates guilt, discontent and other negative emotions that can poison one's happiness.
  4. Reality is not enough. People with high IQ's never cease to seek something bigger - a pattern, a meaning, a purpose. The deepest and the dreamiest of them don't stop there - their restless mind and imagination don't let them just relax and enjoy ''the good things in life''. I guess the reality with its trivialities is just too boring for them. Such people crave for something fantastic, idealistic, eternal... and, of course, never find it in the real world. Have you ever felt like you don't belong here and should have lived in a different era or maybe on another planet? Deep thinking, highly intelligent people constantly feel this way. How can you be happy when you feel a stranger to the world you live in?
  5. Lack of deep communication and understanding. Being truly understood by someone is one of the greatest experiences a human being can have. How comforting it is to sit with a like-minded person somewhere quiet and have a meaningful conversation, realizing that this person understands your ideas and shares your views of the world...Sadly, intelligent people rarely have this pleasure. Many of them feel alone and misunderstood, like if no one is able to see and appreciate the depth of their minds. It's now scientifically confirmed that in order to be happy, individuals with high IQ's need less socialization than those with average levels of intelligence. However, it doesn't mean that smart people don't crave for human interaction and a good conversation. They simply prefer to talk about fascinating and meaningful things rather than discuss food, weather and one's plans for the weekend. No need to say that nowadays, it's particularly difficult to find a person to have a deep conversation with. Thank today's consumerist and materialist society for that. 
  6. Many people with a high IQ suffer from psychological problems. There have been many studies that link psychiatric disorders, such as social anxiety and bipolar, with high IQ's. Could it be that these conditions are a kind of a side effect of a creative genius and a brilliant mind? Who knows, science is yet to unravel the mysteries of the human mind. At the same time, the intelligent people who don't suffer from any mental disorders are still prone to so-called existential depression, which often is a result of excessive thinking. If you are thinking all the time and analyze everything in depth, at some point, you start reflecting on life, death and the meaning of existence. Sometimes, it's enough to make you want to re-evaluate your own life and, as a result, get sad for no obvious reason.


FlowerGirl : )

Inspiration : )

Good morning &
Have A Great Week People😵

8 Things That Are Truly A Waste Of Your Time

Someone once asked me what we should stop doing. The answer can be summarized in the following 8 things: 

  1. Watching TV
  2. Being in a relationship with someone just because you feel bored or lonely
  3. Trying to solve everyone's problems
  4. Trying to win every conversation that you have with people
  5. Doing something just because it makes your parents happy while you're unhappy
  6. Constantly complaining about something that you could have already changed
  7. Creating fake problems so that you don't have to deal with your real problems
  8. Trying to make someone love you when they are not interested in you


   FlowerGirl : )

OOTN : )

                                      Concept: Carnival 2017: Bringing back the 90's💜

Leather burgundy palazzo bottoms by Tony And Alysa

Grey velvet lingerie top by XJ Fashion

Purse-Belt-Bag by Zara

Cardigan by Stradivarius

Grey booties by Sante Shoes


FlowerGirl : )

Sunday, February 26, 2017

OOTD : )


                                                             SUNDAY VIBES 😺

Tee by Marc Jacobs

Beige cardigan by Intimissimi

Silver grey fitness leggings by Wooks Fashion

Gray training shoes by Adidas

Shades by Gianfranco Ferre


FlowerGirl : )

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Inspiration : )

                                        10 Toxic Habits That Drain Your Energy

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It's time to break the habits that have been holding you back. Respect yourself enough to let go of the mindset and routines that have been sucking you dry.

Bear with me for a moment. Yo know when you're driving to an unfamiliar place, blasting the radio while simultaneously watching your GPS spit out directions? Then you suddenly get to that one part of the route that's ridiculously confusing, so you lower the volume even though it has no direct impact on the way you read the directions?

That is your life. The radio noise you need to cut out to concentrate? That is the needless, energy-sucking noise in your head.

Turning down the radio in the car re-energizes your mind and offers you clarity when you need it most. You don't really think about how or why this makes such a huge difference, you just know that it does.

Now it's time to apply this same principle to all the other noise in your life, starting withe the noise in your head.

But how?

The first step is to eliminate toxic, energy-sucking habits that support this noise. With over ten years of experience as life coaches behind us, here are ten such habits I have seen thousands of people with, again and again:

  1. Pretending like everything is OK when it isn't. - Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like giving up? There's honestly no shame in it. Yo are not a robot; and even if you were, you'd still need to stop for maintenance sometimes. There's no shame in admitting to yourself that you feel exhausted, doubtful and low. This is a natural part of being human. The simple fact that you are aware of this means you are able to turn things around. It's okay to fall apart for a little while. You don't always have to pretend to be strong, and there's no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. You shouldn't be concerned with that other people are thinking either - cry if you need to - it's healthy to shed your tears. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to smile again.
  2. Letting pain from the past devastate the present. - I am stronger because of the hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because I have known sadness. The same is true for you. Every difficult conversation you have had included someone who was teaching you something about yourself. Every trying situation contains an opportunity for deeper self-reflection and learning. Every irritant, heartbreak, frustration, disappointment, and fearful moment is a teacher. Remember, nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing. There's a benefit and a blessing hidden in the folds of every experience and every outcome. So don't you dare give up today because of the way things looked yesterday. Don't even think about it. Every day is a new day to try again.
  3. Believing that your best days are either in front of you or behind you. - You spend your whole life stuck in a labyrinth, thinking about how you'll escape one day, and how incredible it will be, and imagining that pristine future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present. This is precisely what keeps so many of us stressed and unhappy. The flip-side is true as well -  obsessing about the past. What you need to accept is that there are only tow days in the year that nothing can be done. One is yesterday and the other is tomorrow. So today, this moment, is the right time to love, to laugh, to work and to live boldly. Yes, this moment needs your undivided attention, for this is the only time and place you are truly alive.
  4. Trying to hold on to who you were before one of life's storms. - Hard times are like strong storms that blow against you. And it's not just that these storms hold you back from places you might otherwise go. They also tear away from you all but the essential parts of your ego that cannot be torn, so that afterward you see yourself as  you really are, and merely as you might like to be. This is a great thing. It may seem impossible now, but one day you will look back at the storms you have weathered and give a silent thank you. For many of us, it is the storms of our lives that have given us compassion, kindness, and gentleness that we otherwise may not have known - and that we can now give away to others, because these qualities are inside of us.
  5. Resisting change and growth. - You must consistently check with yourself and ask: ''Am I committed to feeling good, or am I committed to growing?'' Because growth does not always provide growth. Neither is wrong, as long as there is balance. The important thing is to remember that being uncomfortable is important too, and this discomfort often arrives right on time. Don't avoid it - embrace it. Channel your energy into progress. All growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. When you're feeling uncomfortable, know that the change taking lace in your life is a beginning, not an ending. 
  6. Worrying and worrying and worrying and never taking action. - Worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment. It does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing absolutely nothing at all. It's like using your imagination to create things you don't want. Break this negative habit! It is far better to be exhausted from effort than to be tired of doing nothing but worrying. Don't waste your effort avoiding effort. Go ahead and get it done. Today, ask yourself what is really important and then have the courage to build your day around your answer.
  7. Sacrificing all of your Self for everyone else. - Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because if you do, there will be very little left that you can give to anyone, even those you love dearly. Whenever you feel trapped and it's difficult to breathe, let me remind you - don't forget to secure your own oxygen mask first. Taking care of yourself does not make you selfish; it makes you selfless. In fact, it's the truest form of selflessness one can experience. Only through attentive self-care can you care for others. In order to truly have a loving, supportive relationship with someone else, you need to learn how to be your own best friend first. It's all about falling in love with yourself first and sharing that love with others who appreciate you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit. 
  8. Taking everything personally. - There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally. And rarely do people do things because of you anyway. They do things because of them. So even when it seems personal, it probably isn't. Remember this. And when you find yourself feeling angry, heartbroken, or victimized by the actions of another, see if you can you find within you any seed of softness, some place deep within that understands how much pain that person must be in, how burdened their soul must be, how devastatingly hardened they must be in their hear in order to behave in a way that is surely out of alignment with their own integrity.
  9. Letting negative thoughts get the best of you. - Don't believe everything you hear - even in your own mind. Choose to be miserable and you'll find plenty of reasons to be miserable. Choose to be happy you'll find plenty of reasons to be happy. It is this simple 99% of the time. Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break this negative habit. Talk about your joys, your loves, and your dreams instead. Be outrageously and unreasonably positive. Be funny and creative and ridiculous and joyful all at the same time. It''ll make you feel better. 
  10. Refusing to let go a little and open up to uncertainty. True happiness takes courage. I'm taking the vulnerable, put yourself out there and risk looking like a fool sort of courage. It's not easy, to push the limits of your vulnerability, to dig deeper into the core of who you are as an individual and not only love and accept the imperfect parts of yourself, but also expose them to others. You've got to be willing to break free from the norm, appear uncool and stop caring so much about what everyone thinks. It's about taking a stand. In fact, we've ALL got to take the time to slow down, to break away from the crazy pace in life and take a minute to sit and stare at the sky, without checking for the next text, watch the sunset without uploading it to Instagram, and just free ourselves to be ourselves. We've got to shelve our egos and say ''yes'' to the present moment, to love, to opening ourselves up to being hurt beyond hurt again, and above all, to saying ''yes'' to taking chances.


If you can relate to any of these toxic habits, remember, you are not alone. We all get caught up in our won heads sometimes, doing things that hold us back from our true potential. The key is awareness - recognizing these habits and changing them.


FlowerGirl : )

Friday, February 24, 2017

FlowerGirls' Thoughts :)

                           Your Are Free To Make Choices In Life But You Are Not Free From                                                             The Consequences Of Those Choices

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Do not look for happiness in someone else's family - it's not there. Our current circumstances are the direct results of our past actions. Rather than trying to steal someone else's sunshine, we should go and find our own.

''Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for''.

Have a nice weekend ahead


FlowerGirl : )




FlowerGirl : )

OOTD : )

Friday Vibes : )

Velvet palazzo bottoms by Tony & Alysa 

Beige knit by Topshop

Cardigan black n beige by Intimissimi 

Sneakers by Stan Smith by Adidas

Leather bag by Lanidor

Accessories by Lanidor


FlowerGirl : )

FlowerGirls' Thoughts : )

                            17 Things You Should Know Before You Fall In Love with An Old Soul

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  1.  Don't worry about going someone overboard with impressing us. It's the simple things in life we have the most fun with. The easiest way to our heart is just doing things like walking around a city exploring, going on long drives in the country on the weekend, a trip to the bookstore, conversations that last long into the night. We value seemingly simplistic gestures over anything else because it's in those moments where we feel we truly connect with someone.
  2. We spend a lot of times our head. Like, A LOT of time. Old souls create rich inner lives and it's within ourselves where we truly flourish. When you find us lost in thought or daydreaming don't be afraid to pull us back into the real world.
  3. Don't expect us to ever care that much about material possessions or gaining wealth or status. To old souls, none of those things really matter. We don't really care about how much money our partner makes or living the typical modern lifestyle with an emphasis on materialistic things.
  4. Sometimes we'll prefer hanging out by ourselves to hanging out with you. We need a lot of alone time to reflect and decompress from whatever's going on in our lives, and we just need the person we're dating to understand that, rather than feel rejected or upset.
  5. We hold unconventional ideas about life and standards of living. We see the world and our life on a much larger scale and because of that, our philosophical views can impact our relationships and they way we interpret the things that happen in our lives.
  6. We tend to have an easy-going and carefree nature about us but sometimes it can seem like we don't care or like significantly  hard moments aren't as hard on us as they are for others. It's not that we don't care, or we aren't impacted on the same levels, but we can each struggle in life as a moment to learn from and make us stronger.
  7. Our dreams and plans for our lives can at times seem too large for where we're currently at in out life. Part of seeing the world and our life on a larger scale is that we can often visualize where we're going to be years from now, and even if something won't happen for quite awhile, we know we're taking the steps to get there. To fall in love with an old soul is to fall in love with their dreams, their passion for life. Belittling out desires in life is the fastest way to ruin a romantic connection with us.
  8. We don't really have a lot of friends. Tons and tons of acquaintances, yes, definitely, but we can probably only count our number of friend on one hand. An old soul is always a bit of a loner through life. We feel like we just don't fit in with the rest of the world and our self-awareness about ourselves can sometimes  inhibit us from making other friendships. 
  9. If we say we ''have a feeling'' about something, just go with it. Seriously. We often get gut instincts about people and situations. We know sometimes it may seem illogical but we've learned to hone in on our intuition, and it's rarely ever wrong.
  10. For us to really stay in a relationship we need a deep connection with out partner - something that goes beyond the surface level of lust, attraction, and surface similarities. We need someone who is a freethinker and who has similar philosophical ideas about life.
  11. We have a lot of paradoxical traits.  On one hand we value stability, but on the other hand we also require a lot of freedom in our lives and in our relationships. A relationship where we can have a bit of both is where we can really thrive.
  12. We seek comfortable, cozy experiences. We're more apt to want to spend a night in making dinner, watching a movie, or listening to music together as opposed to going out to a club or bar. We'll join you if you really want us to go with you, of course, but just know for us - comfort is key.
  13. Old souls have a romantic view of the world and our relationships, which is great, except when we idealize things too much and become let down by our own expectations. Our partner can help us out with this by helping us stay grounded and reminding us of the realities of life if we become a bit too in our heads about something.
  14. We have a tendency to be over-thinkers. We're highly analytical and we're always noticing the things other people seem to skip over. Sometimes this causes our brains to go into overdrive. This is great when you want to get the scoop on a situation or person, but because of our analytical nature it can sometimes be kind of annoying when we're in a state of overthinking something.
  15. The person we date need to have their own desires and dreams of their own. Old souls are looking for the kind of person who thinks for themselves and is fearless in the way they make their decisions and live their life. They have to have their own innate desire to better themselves and not just follow a path someone else has paved or told them to go down.
  16. Communication is one of the greatest forms of intimacy to us. We want to hear about your childhood, your bad day at work, the dinner you go to every weekend 3 blocks out of your way because they have the best coffee and eggs, the time you broke your arm playing baseball, your plans for the weekend. Old souls are very cerebral people. Hearing about your history, learning about the way you look at life, and how you understand the world around you based on your past experiences, is exactly what helps us to better connect with the person we're dating. Don't ever think any story is too boring of unimportant. We want to hear it all.
  17. We might not be seeking a life-long partnership but we still need our romantic experiences to have a deeper meaning. We understand that people are not always meant to be with us forever - a lesson we've learned far too many times - but we still seek a connection that goes beyond the surface level. We want real passion, dedication, a romance we'll always look back on fondly.


FlowerGirl : )

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Inspiration : )

                                                             The Love You Deserve

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Sometimes it's easy to settle and forget the kind of love that you deserve. This is a letter for me, for you and for anyone whom might need a reminder of what kind of love looks like: what you are worth.

You deserve more than someone who shifts to the other side of the bed leaving you dreading the thought of morning, a reminder that intoxicated  desire looks different the morning after. You deserve someone who will want to wake up to touch where the sun seeps through the blinds and lands on your cheek. Someone who tells you how beautiful you are while you're sleeping, when you're mad, when you cry during your favorite movie even though you've seen in a thousand times. You deserve someone who appreciates you for all that you are. Someone who asks to keep lights on so that they can admire you in your purest state.

You deserve someone who doesn't agrees with you all the time but when you argue, it feels as if you're pushing each other to be your best selves.
Someone who wants to sit down and talk with you until dusk turns to dawn about new beginnings, desires, the unknown, the indescribable feeling of ecstasy when you're immersed in the warm ocean. Someone who knows that the touch of warm skin sometimes says more than a thousand conversations could. You deserve someone just as independent and driven as you are, if not more. Someone who will inspire you. Someone who will trust you enough to give you space to grow.
Someone who pushes you to travel down a path of understanding, to be unashamed and to fill yourself with courage.

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You deserve what is best for you and that will look different than what anyone else has. Although you'll have to jump some hurdles to get there, fight tears, and endure nights alone... when you stumble upon what you deserve, from there, the rest won't matter. Have faith that it will come when the time is right. You deserve it.


FlowerGirl : )

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

FlowerGirl's Thoughts : )

                We Don't Always End Up With The Loves Of Our Lives (And That's Okay)

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I believe in Big Love.

I talk and I date like I don't.

I don't have frivolous expectations for romance. I'm not looking to get swept off my feet. I am one of those rare, perhaps slightly jaded individuals who actually likes hookup culture and is happy to live in an age in which monogamy is not necessarily the norm..

But I believe in big love because I've had it.

I've had that massive love. That all-consuming love. That 'I can't believe this exists in the physical realm of this planet' kind of love.

The kind of love that erupts into an uncontrollable blaze an then simmers down to embers and burns quietly, comfortably, for years. The kind of love they write novels and symphonies about. The kind of love that teaches more than you thought you could ever learn, and gives back infinitely more it takes.

It is the 'Love of your life' kind of love.

If you're lucky, you get to meet the love of  your life. You get to be with them, to learn from them, to give the whole of yourself over to them and allow their influence to change in unfathomable measures. It's an experience like nothing else we have on this earth.

But here is what the fairy tales won't tell you - sometimes we meet the loves of our lives, but we do not get to keep them.

We do not get to marry them, to pass our years alongside them, to hold their hands on their deathbeds after a life lived well and together.

We do not always get to hold onto the loves of our lives, because in the real world, love doesn't conquer all. It doesn't resolve irreparable differences, it doesn't triumph over illness and disease, it doesn't bridge religious rifts or save us from ourselves when we're corrupting.

We don't always get to hold onto the loves of our lives because sometimes love is not all that there is. Sometimes you want a tiny country home with three kids and they want a bustling career in the city. Sometimes you have a whole, wide world to go explore and they are scared to venture out of their backyard. Sometimes you have bigger dreams than one another.

Sometimes the biggest, most loving move you can possibly make is to let each other go.

Other times you don't get a choice.

But here's another thing they won't tell you about finding the love of  your life: not ending up with them doesn't disqualify their significance.

Some people can love you more in a year than others could love you in fifty. Some people can teach you more within a single day than others could teach you over the entire course of a lifetime.

Some people come into our lives only for a particular period of time, but make an impact that no one else can ever quite match or replace.

And who are we to call those people anything but the loves of our lives?

Who are we to down play their significance, to rewrite their memories, to alter the ways in which they changed us for the better, simply because our paths diverged? Who are we to decide that we desperately need to replace them - to find a bigger, better, stronger, more passionate love that we can hold onto for a lifetime?

Maybe we just ought to be grateful that we got to meet these people at all.

That we got to love them. That we got to learn from them. That we got to have our lives expand and flourish as a result of having known them.

Meeting and letting go of the love of your life doesn't have to be your life's single greatest tragedy.

If you let it, it can be your greatest blessing.

After all, some people never get to meet them at all.


FlowerGirl :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Inspiration : )

                                   Marry A Man Who Knows How To Love Hard

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You Are Worthy Of Love And Belonging, Just By Way Of Having Been Born Into This Beautiful Planet.

Bu not just that.

You deserve to be loved fiercely.

You deserve to be loved by a man who knows how to love hard.

A man who looks at you like you are made of magic. The kind of shimmering magic that you feel when you are standing knee deep in Balinese water and the blue-glowing phosphorescence whisks about your feet after midnight - a beach - side bonfire roaring 20 feet behind you.

A man who prefers date night to consist of you, a fireplace, little to no clothing and the kind of soul-f***ing that happens when your limbs are intertwined and the depth of your conversation becomes the entertainment for the night.

A man who wants to know your fears, worries, insecurities, phobias, and doubts, and wants even more to love you through every last one of them.

A man who loves you fiercely, for who you are at your beautiful core.

A man who prefers you at seven a.m. with eyes that only open halfway and strands of hair stuck of your bottom lip, even though you aren't a morning person. A man who loves you before, during, and after your morning coffee - regardless of whether or not you've fused over yourself in a mirror that day.

A man who rests his jawline on your chest and melts into you more than you ever though a human being could possibly melt.

A man who worships you.

On the days when his love seems too deep, too permeating, too how-do-I-even-deserve-this-kind-of-love to be true, he is right there to remind you why you 1,000 percent deserve every last drop.

Because he can't not love you. Because it's easy. Because it's you.

Marry a man who is there for all the ''what-if's'' of life. What if I'm grumpy? What if my parents are mean to him one day? What if I lose 10 pounds? What if I gain 30 pounds? What if I lose my job? What if I temporarily lose my spark in life? What if I forget who I am? What if I throw a (paper) plate at him when I'm upset?

Marry a man who will be there, through all of the inevitable speed bumps of life.

A man who lovingly listens to how your day went, and knows exactly when to steer your away from your own stormy seas when life's pressures pile up in too big of a mountain for you to climb on your own.

A man who is there to remind you, that yes you are allowed to feel that way. Who is also there to mirror your when your thoughts are too disconnected from reality and you might be causing yourself harm by dwelling in your stories.

A man who rubs your feet, or slow dances with you, or cracks a perfectly timed joke to get you out of your anxious head and back into your body.

A man who understands that love is shown through the little things.

A man who does the dishes not as a martyr, but as someone who sees organizing your environment as an act of love in itself. A man who fills up your car's gas tank because he knows how much you dislike doing it. A man who leaves 10-word love notes for you to find scattered throughout your live - and not because it's Valentine's Day, but just because it's Tuesday.

A man who isn't really that interested in seeing your new shade of lipstick because he would rather feel his lips stick to yours.

And when the tough times inevitably roll through your shared lives, make sure you marry a man who can look deeply into your eyes and say, ''We've got this. We're going to make it through. You have nothing to worry about.''

A man who wants nothing more than to assist in the ever-expanding greatness of your life. He is not threatened by your successes; he relishes them.

He doesn't get jealous when other people check you out; he knows at a bone-deep level how much of a prize you are.

Marry a man who loves so hard that it liberates you on every level. A man whose love emancipates you from your confines, and makes you believe that anything in life is possible.

This man will open up your world for you, and you will gladly do the same for him.

Yes, marry a man who loves like this, and you will begin to access a depth of love and self-love that you previously had not had access to.


FlowerGirl : )

OOTD : )

Grayish Mood : )

Wool dress by Marks & Spencer

Cardigan by Zara

Tights by Calzedonia

Velvet shoes by Sante Shoes

Hairband by Stradivarius


FlowerGirl : )

Monday, February 20, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

FlowerGirls' Thoughts : )

                    How To Get Your Life Back On Track When You Feel Broken

Image result for how to get your life back on track

It can happen to any of us at any point in our lifetime. We are left feeling completely broken.

It happens for a multiple reasons, from relationship break ups and issues, bereavements, homelessness, money or job issues not to mention health and emotional problems. The list of catalysts of break downs are huge, endless and personal to each of us.

In just the last few years I have experienced ups and downs on my relationship, sever financial problems, bullying, homelessness and depression, all whilst raising two children with almost minimal support.

I can personally testify that it's really hard to stay on top and our society is not really set up to support the under dog. It can happen to the best of us and any of us at any time.

We are all more than capable of taking control back into our own hands when life knocks us down. It just takes focus and an intention of making changes that will move us forward. Of finding a way to progress with purpose, rather than simply letting life knock us around into a gibbering heap.

Here are some tried and tested ways to get back up when you are feeling broken:

  1. GET FIT: Strong bodies and strong minds go hand-in-hand. Forget about how your workout routing is making you look and start focusing on how it makes you feel -  on the strength, the dedication and the structure that it brings to your mindset. By harnessing your physical power, you're reminding yourself that you're capable of so much more than you used to be.
  2. FOCUS ON SELF-CARE: When we're sick, we take particular care to rest, drink fluids and take medicine - even if it temporarily impedes on our productivity. When we're struggling emotionally, we have to take care of ourselves in much of the same way. By making self-care a priority, you are setting yourself up for a quicker and infinitely less painful recovery.
  3. NOURISH YOUR BODY: Even the healthiest among us aren't always putting the right foods into our bodies. So for one month, try to do so. Eat the right amounts of fruits, veggies, grains, dairy and meat (or meat alternatives). Notice changes in your energy level and mindset - and then try it all over again the next month.
  4. PHYSICALLY DE-CLUTTER YOUR LIFE: Take a full weekend to clean your apartment or home in a way that you never have before - ruthlessly ridding it of everything you no longer use and organizing it in a way that feels mentally refreshing. When your physically environments are in order, it becomes easier to keep our minds uncluttered, too.
  5. TELL YOUR STORY: Be honest about your past. Share the pain of everything that's happened to you and allow your strength in moving past it to inspire other people.Don't hide or downplay anything that feels important to you. Refuse to apologize for where you've been.
  6. TAKE A TRIP: Take a day, a week or a month to escape your usual surroundings and welcome in the world outside your doorstep. Sometimes a change in mindset is as simple as a change in scenery - and being away from home allows you the space, the freedom and the tranquility to heal on your own terms.
  7. CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK: Sometimes we need a deliberate outward change to reflect a subtle internal one. By altering your hair, makeup or style, you're concretely welcoming change into your life - and recognizing that it can be a good thing. In fact, it can even be something that happens on your own terms.
  8. STOP WHAT ISN'T WORKING FOR YOU: When the stakes are down and our lives are lying in shambles, we are paradoxically awarded the ideal opportunity to start over. Use your ill fortune as the excuse you've been waiting or commitment that is making you miserable. If you're going to be forced to start over, you might as well do it once, the right way.
  9. GIVE YOUR SELF PERMISSION TO LET GO: Not everything that happens to us has to have a meaning or a lesson. If your past no longer serves you, give your self permission to let go and forget about the pain that has been holding you back. You dictate your story and you don't have to place emphasis on anything that makes you feel small.
  10. CONNECT WITH PEOPLE WHO'VE BEEN THROUGH SOMETHING SIMILAR: Seek out the words, company and comforts of those who understand what you're doing through. Read their stories, cherish the wisdom they've gleaned and use it as a constant, pervasive reminder that you are never alone.
  11. SWITCH OFF AND UNPLUG FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK: If you are able to do so, take a full week of your life and spend it outdoors or on the road, somewhere where your Facebook notifications can't reach you. Sometimes it takes disconnecting from your everyday life to realize how trivial most of your worries are - and how capable you are of existing completely outside of them.
  12. INVITE NEW PEOPLE INTO YOUR LIFE: The positive effect we are able to have on one another as humans is immeasurable. Sometimes the best way to heal from the toxicity of past relationships is to allow the  beauty of new ones to flourish. We all end up thinking, behaving and being like the people we spend the most time around - so choose the ones who make you want to be the best possible version of yourself.
  13. STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU: I once told to my sister ''There's no time like when you're down on your luck to realize who's really there for you in life''. When everything is falling apart, take notice of who is still standing beside you - those are the people who are always going to matter the most. And there's no time like the present to appreciate them for all they're worth. 
  14. BREAK THE REPETITIVE STORY: The past is nothing more than a story we repeat to ourselves - and allowing ourselves to  understand this is an incredibly liberating notion. Visit a narrative therapist who can help you re-frame your experiences, or journal them out until you're able to come to a new understanding of why things happened the way they did. Learn to pinpoint the opportunities for growth within the destruction of your past - and then move forward with those opportunities close to your heart.
  15. LEARN SOMETHING NEW: What we know changes the landscape of who we are. By adding to your internal database of knowledge, you are expanding your horizons and reminding yourself that there is always more to be learned and always more ways for your worldview to shift.
  16. MAKE A BUDGET AND STICK TO IT: It's difficult to feel in control of our lives when our finances are out of control. By coming face-to-face with our spending habits, we're giving ourselves a leg up on conquering them effectively. There's noting quite as soothing as figuring our a way to live below your means.
  17. ESTABLISH A HEALTHY SOURCE OF VALIDATION: None of us are islands. Though we all strive to be strong, independent adults in our day-to-day lives, we all need love and affection. And finding a friend or loved one who is willing to remind you why you're wonderful when you forget it just might be what makes you afloat on the bad day. Validation is not toxic if you're seeking it in the right places.
  18. BECOME INVESTED IN THE PROCESS OS CHANGE, NOT THE OUTCOME: Too often, we pit all of our hopes on future accomplishments that may never come to fruition. Rather than telling yourself 'I''ll be happy when...' learn to find joy in the simple process of bettering yourself. Take pride in the fact that you're making changes for yourself, rather than pitting your happiness on the outcome of those changes.
  19. LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE: Learning a new language may be one of the best available ways to remind yourself that there's an entire world out there - one that operates on a completely different premise than yours. Committing to learning a non-native language proves that you could adapt and mould to one of those other realities if you want to - which consequently makes you feel a little less defeated by yours.
  20. LEARN TO WALK AWAY:  Perhaps the single most important step to regaining control over your life comes through learning to walk away from the situations that are holding you back. It takes an incredible amount of bravery to break away from what you've known. But it also gives way to an incredible opportunity to star over the way you've always wanted to.
  21. LET YOURSELF BE HAPPIER THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH:  Too often, we sabotage our own happiness out of a reluctance to trust it. Rather than allowing ourselves to grow into bigger shoes, we declare out feet 'not big enough' and retreat. We have to start allowing ourselves to let go of guilt and self-doubt and start seizing opportunities as they arise. Even if we feel a bit out of our league along the way.
  22. SET AND ENFORCE BOUNDARIES: There will eternally be people out there who are willing to rob you of your joy in exchange for a dose of their toxicity. And one of the most important lessons we may ever have to learn is that we cannot save those people from themselves. We have to learn to set clear boundaries if we don't want to drown alongside them. Even if it's someone we love.
  23. CUT OUT A BAD HABIT FOR 100 DAYS: The idea of never drinking, smoking or eating junk food again is intimidating enough mission for any of us to give up on before we've even gotten started. So instead of resolving to cut out one of your vices eternally, try cutting one out of 100 days. It is enough time for you to see the positive effects of what you've done, but a short enough time for the end to always be in sight. And who knows - maybe once you realize how great you feel without one of your vices, it will turn into a permanent lifestyle change.
  24. TRY SOMETHING THAT GENUINELY SCARES YOU: There is nothing that boots confidence quite like overcoming your fears. Make a deliberate point to take on challenge that has always scared you then you're feeling down - though it may seem like ridiculous timing to do so, the strength and sense of self-efficacy that will come from conquering your worries will take you further than you could possibly imagine.
  25. LOOK HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME: Look back at the person who was once so lost and look at who you've become since then. You may not be all the way to where you'd like to be, but you're on your way. And you're a hell of a lot further than you used to be.
  26. FORGIVE OTHERS. FORGIVE THE UNIVERSE. FORGIVE YOURSELF: Don't allow anger or fear to keep you trapped in a damaging past. Allow yourself the opportunity to forgive those who have hurt you, to forgive the injustices done to you and to forgive yourself for everything you messed up on your path to redemption. Forgive not to relieve other people of accountability, but to finally allow yourself the freedom and space to move on. And to take your darn life back.


FlowerGirl : )

FlowerGirls' Thoughts : )

               9 Signs You Have a Crazy Strong Personality but Are Actually Pretty Sensitive

Image result for girl reading book tumblr

Being strong and sensitive at the same time is tough. Your friends and people around you would describe you as pretty fearless and bad ass -  but only your true friends know just how sensitive you really are.

So what are some of the signs of being bad ass but also pretty sensitive?

  1. You still get overwhelmed.
  2. You call people out, but it's always thought out and for a good reason.
  3. You still need a lot of time to recharge.
  4. You're very sensitive about who you date.
  5. You need ''real'' talk.
  6. You're not really bitching, you're just sensitive to all the idiots in the world.
  7. You're a good listener.
  8. You don't need to be the center of attention.
  9. Sometimes you get quite.


FlowerGirl :)



FlowerGirl : )

Friday, February 17, 2017


FriYay ~ Vibes 

Leather palazzo bottoms by Snob.collection

Pullover by My Ladida

Cardigan by Stradivarius

Vintage 80's Superstar Adidas

Necklace by Lanidor


FlowerGirl : )

Inspiration : )


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

QOTD : )

True story : )


   FlowerGirl : )

OOTD : )

Coz baby is windy outside :) 

Wool dress by Zara

Red/black checked cardigan by Stradivarius

Camel sued boots by Ras

Earings by Lanidor


FlowerGirl : )