Sunday, February 19, 2017

FlowerGirls' Thoughts : )

               9 Signs You Have a Crazy Strong Personality but Are Actually Pretty Sensitive

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Being strong and sensitive at the same time is tough. Your friends and people around you would describe you as pretty fearless and bad ass -  but only your true friends know just how sensitive you really are.

So what are some of the signs of being bad ass but also pretty sensitive?

  1. You still get overwhelmed.
  2. You call people out, but it's always thought out and for a good reason.
  3. You still need a lot of time to recharge.
  4. You're very sensitive about who you date.
  5. You need ''real'' talk.
  6. You're not really bitching, you're just sensitive to all the idiots in the world.
  7. You're a good listener.
  8. You don't need to be the center of attention.
  9. Sometimes you get quite.


FlowerGirl :)

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