Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Inspiration : )

Image result for happiness
                                           Focus on Happiness in Everything

For some people waking up and start their day with full of optimism, power and freedom to accomplish their task at the best maximum level they can. For others on the other hand is just a daily routine, busy boring day at work and they only thing that they desire is to press the button forward and go home; like me. By the time I get to the office I am stressing out for the rest of the day. The good news are that you can change this scenario. Most of you don't realise that it is coming from us how the day will start, go by and end; you can create your own reality based on your own thoughts, conscious and behaviour. This is what I do; otherwise I am doomed. The way you start your day it affects the rest of it.
So this is what I try to do pretty much everyday so as not be miserable at work:

Plan your day

Check your wardrobe in the night and decide what you will wear tomorrow at work. It feels good, trust me. Make a list of what you should bring tomorrow, or what kind of breakfast you will eat. You will feel cooler and have more time in the morning.

Leave the curtains half open

That little light in the morning come from the window will give a message on your brain to have less stress waking up. In this way you will be half wake up until your alarm rings.

Set your alarm 15 minutes before

First of all set the alarm ringtone so as to be pleasant hearing it. The sudden hear of it in the morning and unpleasant at the same time will cause you anxiety and stress. We don't want that. Second, set the alarm 15 minutes before so as to wake up earlier and avoid leaving the house having that stress feeling. In this way you will have time to think positive for the day and time to do some stretching.

Stretch in the bed

Before opening my eyes I stretch out slowly my body. I start first with arms, then legs, then neck and back. In this way you will have empowered your muscles and oxygen your muscles tissues. Inhale-exhale and think of something that you are grateful for.

Take a shower in the morning

Perfect way to start your day. Use after a nice lotion from citrus trees to make you feel delightful.

Start you day with positive motivations

Instead of reading bad news in the internet try to read a book as I keep in my draw to make positive thoughts; or an article to feed your brain with positivism so as to keep with energy during the day. Forget (or at least try to forget) all your worries and focus on those things that make you happy.
Think that you have a beautiful morning ahead you and in this way it may allow you to create a nice day.

Kiss or/and hug the ones you love

Wake up and kiss or/and hug the ones you love, even if is your cat or your dog. I kiss and hug my kids even if they are driving me crazy every morning. This softens my worries, stress and I find my self a bit relaxed and helps me to focus on what is more important in my life.

Have a healthy breakfast

Breakfast gives you the ''fuel'' and it is the very fist thing that you put in your body except water of course. It's like the first impression you have on somebody or something. So if you eat unhealthy it will affect your body in a negative way on how it is going to work during the day.
So eat healthy.

Love. Flower Girl. x

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