Thursday, October 20, 2016

Flower Girl's Thoughts : )

                                         Our  Aura draws us to someone and not the appearance

In your life you will meet different kinds of people, during studies's years, workplace, you hang out with people and thought these people you will meet other people. Friends, lovers. And all these people have one common thing related to you.

They are those people that you chose to get closer with, creating an attraction towards you, that made you somehow wanting to get to know them better and create special bond with them.

Something drawn you to them which you can not determined what was. Is it the energy that was imparted by them, after getting to know that person, the mood which carry and finally the aura which they spread.

Explanation of aura: is the sum of electromagnetic forms that surround the physical body it's considered the hydra of vital power. Most of the people use it to describe in general the positive and negative aura that a person has and thus the impact that has on you; negative or positive feelings. For example if someone is depressed his aura is negative so he/she will have a negative impact causing you to feel most probably the same.

It is something that comes before knowing someone and has more meaning that the second one. What you can understand is that is something not superficial, but is more general when it comes for a person. It's not about the appearance, it's not a specific characteristic, but something in total that draws you.

How many times you have found your self drawn to a person without understanding why but you know that is not the outside appearance? And do not reply by saying no; it is a lie and you know it.

And don't tell me that you did not have an impression or made assumptions for a person from the very first moment that you meet a person! First contact and you already like or dislike someone, without crossing a word with him, without having the chance to learn him/her. And there you have it: that ''something'' that ids happening to you, affecting your judgement.

From all the aspects though the one about love is the most unexpected. You can be magnetized beyond your control and anticipation. You are being attracted by people that you could never imagined you will and especially from people that you can not understand the reason and you find yourself thinking about your choices and trying to understand the explainable.

How can you interpret such things? As if it is impossible? Once you start a conversation you end up without conclusions.

The truth is that in love who ever says that the primary role plays the appearance is mistaken. Besides you don't call love is blind for no reason. And you can confirmed from all these weird couples that you see every day on the road and wondering what did he saw on her or the opposite, and yourself included because it has happened to you as well in the past.

It's ''the aura'', the energy, or ''that something'' as most of people call it, that turns your brain and you fall in love. Yes, the brain. That is the first organ that love awakens and not the heart as many say. If brain does not give the permission nothing goes beyond. The heart just follows and after complements the work by filling it.

And all these, the same things not only in love but in friendship as well, in everyday life and in every contact that will result the most important factor and keep you.

Love. Flower Girl. x

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