Good morning people : )
First of all I would like to wish you to have a good month. Let's hope this one will be much better than the previous one; Was a long, tiring and boring month to be honest. And all we need is love in our life.
Partnership is probably the most important relationship in our adult life. We learn the word ''love'' living through our parent's partnership. And we dream about it and try to find people that we are going to live happily ever after with them. Well, most of us. I did not. But my friends keep telling me that their parents are their role model. Every person has a different role model. But one of our main goals is to find the appropriate person to share our life and create also a new one together.
Things used to be simple before. Love was only just a fairy tale and myth, people were getting married according to their financial status; their parents were making like a business arrangement and the divorce was out of the question so the couple should spend the rest of their life together without love or they could learn to love each other in the future. And if...
Truth is that they did spent their entire life together but if you consider that time there were wars, various diseases, most of the time deadly ones, immigration, then they lived approximately 7-11 years together.
By the years though life conditions became much better and so as the working life as well and therefore people get to choose with whom they wanted to spend their life with. They had the privilege of choosing according to their feelings. But with it the ''divorce'' phenomenon came to the surface as well. We can see although people were choosing their partner according their personal feeling criteria in the process they lost as well their willingness to spend the rest of their life with that person.
Are there couples that they still live together and love each other as well? Which is the secret for eternally love?
Researches of course asked elderly couples. And the answer was love and only. This is the best weapon to hold our relationship. Strange? Not really if you think about it; in order to keep something it must be there first. Love is much greater than sexual craving and libido. Is the thing that stays between two persons after passion has gone (a very normal thing of course). Then is the love for each other that feeds the sexual craving and not the way around. So if passion is over, and there are not mutual feelings for each other then the relationship ends right there.
If love is active then let's see how the relationship through it can last:
- The acceptance and tolerance of the diversity of the other person; when we have conscious that all persons are different and that is what makes us unique as individual, we can accept the other person that the other person is different as an evolution's element and not as a thread at all. It is important to recognize the need to be our self.
- Empathy; The ability to put our self in our partner's shoes so as to understand his/her situation. This allow us to stand next to him/her with compassion and sensitivity and to empower the feeling of partnership and taking care each other.
- Confrontation freedom: Arguments and conflicts are not disastrous. Expressing our feelings freely and conflict comes with it, helps finding solutions in our problems ( in the context of respect and sincerity of course).
- Focus on ''here and now'', when we are facing difficulties. Giving emphasis on the current situation and not bringing on the table all the problems that we are facing is a must for a positive outcome. Chaos brings more chaos. So, what comes at that moment face it on time and don't put it in the ''bag'' with the other problems.
- Openness: Don't be afraid to ''indulge'' in our partner. Don't be afraid to allow him/her to affect us. Being opened to our partner's culture and manners help us to evolve our self and harmonize with each other, something total different and new from what each of brings from our origin. If we put our self in a cultural ''war'' then the relationship of course won't last.
- The previous generations: What did our ancestors demise? Do we have in our family couples who lived well and for many years together? What did these couples do? Take a look in the past; it might give us valuable lessons for our relationship.
We, people are comrades beings. Within a healthy relationship we ''bloom'', ''flourish'' and evolve. And for this reason and only is worth making the very best to claim and ''conquest'' it. Needs a lot of work, nothing comes easily but is worth every second of our time. There is no such thing being alone. All we need is love at the end of the day. No one wants to spend the rest of their life alone; or with the wrong person; people are weak and don't fight for their feelings; for their believes; By the time they realise it though, it is too late. They already lost someone who loves them truly but did not have the guts to fight for. It's difficult to find someone that understands us. Once you do grab him/her tight and do your best to show them. At least you know you tried and did not give up.
All we need is love. Do not forget that.
Love. Flower Girl. x
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