Monday, August 22, 2016

Relationships : )


                                                And this is why you should never chase men

                                                                       Would they?

Instead of chasing men, chase your own dreams. We all have been madly in love with someone who would make us feeling anxious for not contacting and would make us feel full of hopes by just one text message. But there are certain reasons that we shouldn't chase men, no matter how deeply we are in love.

  • Chasing someone that does respond, we end up hurting only ourselves
When we meet the right person who feels the same as we, we know it very well so there is no need of chasing him. Otherwise, we keep chasing him and trying to make him feel the same as we do ends up pretty much most of the times with no result.
  • We forget our friends and important people in our life
Friends and family become second priority in our life (sometimes third and fourth) and at the end we find our selves being total estranged. We are losing experiences as we try to create ones with an other person whose also we are not a priority. 

  • We open and give our heart to someone that does not worth it
He who is dying to be with you, does not neglect you. You may be ready to give or share your prettiest feelings but you should reconsider chasing someone who does not wish to do the same.

  • We spend our energy on something that has expiration date
We should spend energy for our future and not on weekend choices.

  • We start to forget what is important to us
We used to dream something different and we had once plans for beautiful things but all of the sudden we only care for this stupid message/phone call at 2 o' clock in the morning.

  • We loose our mind
This chasing may end up on an endless hide and seek and having incredible obsessions. And suddenly we realize that we are starting to loose our own mind. Of course this is not entirely true but only that we are reaching that level of madness it is a sign that you should stop right now. 

  • We oppress our self by forcing situations
Most of the times the expression ''what is meant to happen, will happen'' comes with a great touch of wisdom because that's all what we need. Let things to take their own course even if the outcome is not what we wish for.

  • Flirting might be fun but it can be exhausting 
Flirt and love are two wonderful things, but it takes ''two to tango''. When it's not mutual and is only one sided becomes stressful and tiring. 

Love. Flower Girl. x

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