Saturday, November 19, 2016

Flower Girls' Thoughts : )

                       The today's trend ''I want to be alone'' is a sign that something is wrong

Image result for a girl standing alone in the forest

Has ever happened to you waking up one day and hearing your partner saying to you that he needs time? That he can't breathe anymore and wants to be alone? And your whole world is tearing apart in 0 time without know what has happened and the reason; Feeling alone and betrayed; The one decides to go without discussing it first leaving you helpless?

This trend is a usual and a very weird phenomenon in relationships. When you are feeling that you are in a good place your partner bombs you with a sentence: ''I need time to think'' or ''I need to be alone'' and after that you don't know what in the world has happened or what is going on now.

You start wondering what did you do wrong or if is your fault and the worst part of all is that when that moment comes you won't find answer to your questions since your partner will condemn your relationship, leaving you with hands crossed and numerous questions.

You overthink, you get angry; What went wrong? Who's and what's to blame for? Why did we not discuss it? Don't wait for answers. There aren't any. And not because the other person is selfish and thinks only his part. This is not the reason. You won't get any answers because there aren't any. What do I precisely mean?

These kind of people are weird and mysterious human beings. A person has this trend because he has condemn the idea of your relationship inside his head and he just can not find words or the way to spill it out to you.  He is afraid, sometimes he thinks is needless, he does not want to put his self in that process because his responsibility-phobia stops him. From his part though everything is over and there is no turning back so he chooses the easy path: to disappear.

From the other hand there are those people who has this trend because of some sort of addiction; Drugs, gamble and alcohol. Those dark sides, that a person might be hiding and afraid to reveal or say, for understandably reason, but can't live without them. And so he disappears. And when he comes back everything is rosy and the dust that he will throw on your eyes, it's so intense that you can't believe it since you are in love. Let's hope though that this is a rare kind of trend.

There are also people who disappear but they always come back. They are afraid to deal certain situations or they need for some time being to be alone until they feel safe again to run to their partner. And from the moment they know that their person is there awaiting for them, of course they will take advantage of it.

Weird human beings, anyway the issue though is not the one who has this problem in this whole situation but the one who has not this problem and knows what she wants. These people are in the worst place who know what they want but those are the ones that can put an end to this and decide the way to solve things. Who ever you may meet, whatever the case the person is, you are the one who get to decide.

See that something is wrong and ''edit'' it, to filter the reactions and dig the thing. Wherever there is smoke, there is fire, right? You should not choose to ignore your instinct when is says to you that something is wrong. Discuss it, analyse it and do not let it to go down. If you care about your relationship you should not close your eyes just because you are afraid to deal with what is really happening.

The people with the ''leaving trend'' have already decided. Regardless of not being able to handle it, or putting something else or their self above you; they have already condemn their relationship inside their head. But what about you standing opposite death's door? You can end this nightmare and move on or you choose to close your eyes and in the nights to fight your own demons. So what do you prefer? A redemption, acknowledging of what is happening and be brave enough to deal with it or the darkness, that you choose no exit?

Love. Flower Girl. x

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