Friday, September 2, 2016

Inspiration : )

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                                                       LOVE IS GOOD

Yes, love is good for us, for our health and in general in our life. But what does love exactly do on our body?


When we are in love, more quantities of dopamine, oxytocin and norepinephrine chemicals are released in our body which are related to well-being and positive energy.


Couples', who are years married, has been approved that their brain functions the same creative as the one's that are in love this moment.

Wound healing

Couples who just begin dating usually heal faster from injuries due to release of oxytocin.


Married people both gender have less chances to suffer from heart attack and more likely to survive from it.


Couples who have great intimacy between them have small amounts of stress hormone like cortisol.


Love activates the same areas as those by painkillers; has almost the same analgesic effect


Married people are 20% less likely to die from certain types of cancer in compare to single people - and because 53% more likely to visit doctors more frequently.

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