Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Flower Girls' Thoughts

                                                         Insensitive people are more sensitive after all
Image result for women lying in bed crying

There are people who are indifferent, cynically and have thick skin after their own decision of course. There are others who tried to pretend and imitate the first's behavior and they got used to it at some point as a result to become like the in the end. People like to gossip and spread rumors such as ''the party animal'', ''the asshole'', ''the Ms. I know everything'' and as a result they built an image of the other person based on lies, gossip and first impressions. People are stigmatized, rightly or wrongly, sometimes they don't even have to chance to examine the truth. Sometimes the voices of others become as well their own voice in their head and they end up doubting about themselves.

Although people reprove the fact that their hobby is mass acceptance, you have been as well served with others. You were in a hurry over a silly sentence or a disappointing behavior to make assumptions.In every company, in every party there is a court. Little human beings! And how easily you forget our own weaknesses every time we are talking about other's.

Each time an ''insensitive'' person comes out from our mouth, the more sensitive we become, our prestige goes up; we feel like we have sat on our throne tonight again. And even this instantly lovely feeling is so addictive which binds us more and more with this bad habit. Next time that you will judge any sort of behavior you should observe yourself rushing to conclusions to condemn it with few evidence.

A friend of mine used to say that in this world we are living are people with sensitivity, sweet and kind. And while my friend was full of trust and magnanimity I was seeing who has an easy faith; ''We are all scumbags''  I was repeating him. I did not completely change my mind, but I try to remind myself that we all started from somewhere, we all had a different path and through it we have evolved ourselves until today, where our paths came across.

No one has been born insensitive, no one enjoys the judgmental looks of others, no one prefers to be detest over beloved, if he/she had the chance to choose, to reveal sides of him/herself before taking place the ''judgmental'' rain.

Growing up I 've learned to trust more the ''scumbags'' rather than the ''good guys''. The misunderstood, the strict and the light-lipped types. Those who don't flatter others easily, those who don't give easily nor themselves. The pretentious' word counts more, an indifferent person will be doubled excited, and their love usually is solid. I was inspired mostly by those unsaid words, the story behind the images, the well hidden woods. There is always something underneath, there is no way not to be.

We live in a digital world where everyone is fighting to show our humanitarian opinions and an in real world where the competition makes us suspicious and introvert, is is very hard to see the good and we end up being reserved, isolated and alone.

One night stand relationship, one week friendship, meaningless full of crap words. People meet other people, get to know each other, are being appreciated until the ''insensitivity'' drops the bomb over dinner. We have became so sensitive, that we can't stand the insensitivity of others, makes to have a stomachache, and leave.

The ''insensitive'' who is left behind or leaves first, is hurt and resents as well. He is in a difficult place as well, unfriendly I should say, has no shoulder to cry on, no one wants to take care of him since he does not need it.

It is much more easier to be the victim of the situation, that's why most people prefer to take that place. The ''insensitive'' person will suffer silent and keep trying to do what he knows best in a world where sensitivity is being concerned to be a weakness; He will survive with a company or alone.

Love. Flower Girl. x

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