Thursday, October 27, 2016

Flower Girls' Thoughts : )

                                                         30's are the new 20's

Image result for 30 years old

Good Morning beautiful people!

You should remember as well, or at least have felt the same around the age of 12 that high school kids were for us adults in our eyes and at the early stages of our adulteress the first 10 years let's say the people who were 30 years old were for us experienced, mature, grown ups in our eyes. You would say 30 at the age of 20 thinking that will take years to come and you were planning what your life would be at your 30's.

Work career success, travelling around the world, having 2-3 children; whatever had anyone most desired had a deadline at the age of 30 to fulfill his/her wishes and of course becoming conscious, emotionally clarified, for sure independent, living in a nice at least 70 square cm apartment with luxurious furniture, sport's car, a nice apartment or house in the country and sea side of course, 2-3 steaming lovers in the past until you found your one true love and staying far enough from your parents and visiting them every Sunday for lunch proud of their 30 years' old children achievements.

And then the crisis had hit and your ''alibi'' has become a nice memory. And crisis, as every political, social, financial crisis, did not only affected the salaries and our everyday life, but has also affected relationships since all these are closely intertwined.

Twenty five, twenty six, twenty nine and you are watching all the goals that you set until your 30's taking an extension which lasts at least a decade.

Career comes later a day, 1002 trips became 2. You can go Berlin and London, this is the most far you can go; at least you can see countries others than your birth country. You only see children playing on the park across your student's apartment or from your bedroom still living in your parent's house.

Emotionally you are going through a limbo phase, trapped in almost relationships, one night stands, months will go by without having clear goals or destinations, but luckily for you, your friends are less or more in the same faith as yours and for you is comfort; you won't be treated as a looser like 10 years ago would say.

Although your appetite for partying till morning has been reduced when you decide to throw a party your list is full of people around 20 something. Flirting check, since you have spent your years on failing dating, and sexually you are in a gold ''era''. You find yourself interested among attractive one, a trophie  for each person that will manage to touch you. The fact that in the future you may screw things up again, does not invalid the fact that you have managed to mind fuck perfectly in compare to others that they believe they are good at it.

You skip Sunday's lunches over your parent's house, while the rest they are having dessert you are sitting at a cafe having your ''Frappe'' (Greek iced coffee). Your parents are angry of course because other people at your age are married with 2-3 kids, and do not forget their parents every 3 Sundays at least to visit them, they weren't spending their day over a computer's screen, were doing 3 jobs to manage to save some money and what on earth kind of job is this that you shouldn't get up early to go at work without a briefcase?

And you, chilling on the couch, staring the ceiling and texting your buddies to come over and chill with you. 30 years old buddies but in their mind and heart are still 20. Same energy, same uncertainty, same freshness and same insecurity. 30 year old people that like to expand themselves creatively, that still dreaming to change the world, and they keep wondering if they are romantic, or naive and ensconced.

30 year old people that 40's are approaching and they still believe that they have years and years to become 40, since for them their 20th birthday was yesterday. Goals are overextended; from one hand they don't feel guilty and from the other hand they fell stressed: facts are facts and are beyond optimistic: when 40's come, whether trips are 1002, whether you have been established professionally, or you have 2 children running around you or not, you will be 32 years old. And this is more than enough.

Love. Flower Girl. x

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